Chapter 2

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After such a long day, she would retire to her room, disrobe and slip beneath the sheets. Most nights she would be too exhausted to do anything else but fall quickly asleep. But, not this night. Her insides clenched remembering her morning routines servicing her stepmother and step-sisters.

She lowered her fingers to her pússy and moaned softly feeling the wetness there. She tugged and pinched at her nipple with one hand as she rubbed her pússy. She was so slick with need and getting wetter; plunging one then two fingers into her tight cunt, that it didn't take long for her climax to render her weak and sated then she drifted off to sleep.

The bright sunny morning brought a smile to her lips as she stretched out in her bed. How she wished to be able to wake up like this always.

Then suddenly the shrill screams of Ana and Lucy pulled her out of her musings.

"Ella! Ella!" They yelled for her.

With a sigh, she tightened her eyes, wishing they would stop. But, they continued even louder than before.

Along with all the things they have subjected her to, and she slowly grew accustomed to do without protest to be able to live in peace. This was one of the things she mostly detested.

Every day nonstop it's Ella clean this! Ella, wash that! Ella, mend this! Ella, fetch that!. She simply wanted peace for once.

Quickly with a sigh, she stood and dressed then descended her room into the sitting room where they called her from. She knew her step-mother was to leave early that morning for the market and left them alone. In all honesty, they had awoken much earlier today than the usual she noticed.

A part of this she did not like because they got into trouble that she later would be punished for.

They had company.

In the small drawing room sat Anna and Lucy's friends. Six faces, all too familiar with snooty upturned noses and hard stares looked at her.

"Come here, Ella," Lucy ordered.

Ella stepped forward and stood before her. She looked down to the green eyes of her step-sister that held malice and mischief in her gaze.

"On your knees," she said sternly, cheekily smiling at her friends that snickered behind her. It is here she noticed how Lucy took advantage of her authority in her mother's absence. She would put Ella to do dreadful things and if she did not comply or played Lucy's way, she would complain to her mother and Ella would be punished.

And that is one thing she detested; was to be bound, gagged, and tortured like an animal for her insolence. So she did everything they asked without a word.

It was moments like these that made her upset. She knew a fate like this would be hers from the very first day this all began.


It was a morning somewhat like this that step-mother left to town for the market. And like always, Lucy and Anna would stay behind to watch over her and as their mother instructed, she was to do all her chores.

Her chore for that particular day was to polish all the silverware. A task that would take all day. So she sat quietly at the dining room table finally down to the last few pieces to be shined. Then suddenly Lucy appeared at her side. It would be an awkward moment for Ella because Lucy since meeting her barely said a word other than giving an order. Warily, Ella looked up at Lucy that held a scheming smile on her lips. She had learned since then, that Lucy was sinfully mischievous. But then again,  Ana, at times was no different.

She listened to Lucy as she spoke. Her step-sister slowly edged closer to her side and leaned against the table to face her. The conversation began with an inappropriate order that made heat crawl up her face. She looked at Lucy, astonished with such a request. She blinked once then twice in shock. What she asked to do was not correct, but Lucy insisted that she must do it if she wanted to be in her good graces.  But, she had never done anything so wrong.

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