Chapter Three

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A lot can definitely happen in the years I have been gone. Things in life I never thought possible. Like for example my dad and mom are back together. Remarried and both their previous partners are gone and completely out of the picture. I guess with me gone for those years the problems they had vanished but I wonder how long is that going to last.

I don't think they really thought I would be back to intrude in their happy life they built without me and I would be happy to leave and be on my happy way and never return. Make everything go away and let me be with Jared and things will be better.

Dad wasn't here when I was brought back because he was out of state working. He didn't get back until this morning and I had no idea in the time I was here he even lived here. Mom didn't bring him up except now I guess he was who she was talking to on the phone. I guess that explains why what's his name isn't with my mom and dad's fiance is gone.

I've been avoiding both today with Jayden in the room. He hasn't came to talk to me other than to knock on the door and come in and look at me. A quick hey and look of concern on his face. He acted as if he was worried and has cared about me my entire life when he was the one who hardly seen me but every other weekend in my life before I left.

It ticks me off how they're acting like this now. Pretending to care about me when they were never there back then. It's not going to fucking change anything though. I won't see them any different no matter what. I'll still see them as the same parents that hardly were there for me.

Dad worked constantly. Mom had 'other things' to do like finding a new fuck buddy every night. Neither of them noticed the bullying going on at school. They didn't notice I was close to killing myself because of how bad everything was getting. They didn't notice anything until I left and suddenly now my mom running into me at the store she thinks she can change how I see her?? Or dad??

"Hey Jonhathan dinner is ready." Dad says outside the bedroom in the hallway.

Pretty ironic how I can think of him and he comes to the door to tell me about dinner. "I'm not hungry." I lie, wanting to avoid the awkward dinner when I can't stand either of them. I won't pretend. I won't give in to make them happy and I won't let Jayden think it's okay.

"What about-" he pauses not remembering Jayden's name. Why would he? Why would he care about anything concerning me when he never used to. Remembering Jayden's name is probably on the last of his list of things to remember and it doesn't bother me because he doesn't have the privilage to get to know him or me.

"I'm hungry." Jayden whispers into my ear, sitting on the bed with me, looking up from the colored sheet of paper he's drawing on.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." I reply back even though I don't want to but Jayden's hungry. I have to even though I don't want to because keeping him from eating isn't worth it. I guess I'll have to put up with them for a few minutes again because I have to. Plus I'm kind of hungry too. I need to eat for the baby but I'm just not looking forward to talking to my mom. I don't want another headache caused by her input in my life giving me more stress than I want.

I wish she would leave me alone. I wish my dad would leave me alone and everything would go back to the happy life Jared and I had. I was happy and so was Jayden. Life couldn't have been more perfect until someone had to take it away.

"Okay." is all he replies after a long moment of silence. I listen to him walking away and the sound of another set of footsteps belonging to my mom.

"His name is Jayden." I hear her mumble to him in the hallway.

I can't stand her. I hate her for what she has caused from her thinking she's helping but she's not. She can pretend she cares but I know she doesn't. She has to pretend now when all eyes are on her but that didn't stop her from hitting me. She smacked me and tried to say sorry after as if it can make it okay but it doesn't. And maybe I did push her buttons but I have a good reason. She's destroying my life and making it worse by forcing me to stay here against my will.

"I didn't know." Dad mumbles back.

I block out their conversation not wanting to listen to what they have to say. "What are you drawing?" I look over to Jayden to try to lighten up my mood in the dark depressing bedroom I spent my youth in I'm back at again.

"A picture." he smiles handing me the drawing he's been working on. "It's you, dad and the new baby."

I almost break down, tears building in my eyes watching his smile fade and frown forming. "When are we going to see him again?"

"Soon I promise. It won't be like this forever. We'll be together before you're sister is born." I try to reassure him and myself.

"I'm having a sister?" he asks smiling once again happy and not sad.

I forgot I hadn't told him. I didn't bother to say anything when I have a million thoughts running through my mind of what's going to happen. Thinking exactly how I can get out of here and leave. Thinking about how can I get Jared out so we can live our happy life we had. "Yeah and you're going to need to protect her when she's born. You'll be her older brother and it's your responsibility."

"Like how dad is with Aunt Katy?" he asks.

"Exactly like your dad and Aunt Katy."

"I miss her and Uncle Kyle."

"I do too and hopefully we'll see them soon too." I keep up this charade of lies I keep giving him.

Who knows though when Katelynn and Kyle haven't been found and I'm family to them in need of being saved. I don't want to be here more than anything. I hate it. Hopefully they will decide to save me.

"Jonhathan!" the devil herself shouts from down the hall and in the kitchen.

"Come on." I get up from the bed Jayden reaching for my hand immediately as we walk out of the room.

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