Book Three: Nightmares Never Go Away

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All Jayden wants is to be nothing like his father Jared...

Jayden Kohl, Jonhathan Kohl's son, is all grown up or at least he thinks he is. At sixteen years old he is one year older than his dad was when he began talking to a man online and ended up trapped in an attic.

Obviously as any parent would his dad doesn't want him to go through the terrible ordeal he did or even worse. His dad wants what is best for him which includes a happy normal life. But is that opportunity even plausible after witnessing and living in a household where fear ran high?

Does he stand a chance to become someone in the world his dad can be proud of? Or were the odds always set against him from the start?

** I'm going to try to come up with a better synopsis then what's above. I just don't want to give too much away. To everyone who read my orginal idea for book two about Jayden years later I had planned to write I'll be sticking to the same basic plot but changing some stuff. Book Three will be mostly in Jayden's point of view at sixteen but I may switch between Jayden and Jonhathan later on. I'm still figuring everything out as I write it. I have two chapters written up so far I need to edit still but I plan to post them Friday. Updates will be Wednesday and Friday again like before. And I hope everyone enjoys reading 'Nightmares Never Go Away' when I post it as much as the first two. :) By the way I plan on deleting 'Escaping a Nightmare' unless someone wants me to continue. I just don't think it was a well thought out idea I had but that's just what I think. **

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