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I watched in horror as a girl, probably in my year pitched herself off the tower.

Hermione was a quick thinker.

"Aresto Momentum!" She shouted pointing her wand at the girl, who stopped about a foot from the ground.

We all quickly ran towards the girl.

"Ron, go get Madame Pomfrey, now." I yelled at him.

I sat next to the girl.

"They're coming, they're going to kill us all. We're all going to die." She was shaking like no tomorrow.

Not five minutes later did Madame Pomfrey and just about every Hogwarts Professor come bustling out of the school.

Madame Hooch and Madame Pomfrey helped the girl to her feet and led her away.

Professor's McGonagall and Dumbledore turned towards us.

"What happened?"

"The girl jumped off the tower! I had used Aresto Momentum of course to slow her fall, but I haven't got a clue as to why she jumped!" Hermione explained as best she could.

"She said something about people coming, and everyone was going to die." I added in.

"Very well, I suggest you all go back to your dormitories. All of you." Professor McGonagall told us, then everyone who had come out to see as well.

We all headed towards our dorms, Luna and I broke away from the other three telling them we'd see them at lunch.

"Oh my god Em!" Mel and Sam tackled me into a hug while Drew shook his head and chuckled.

"Guys I'm fine." I patted their back awkwardly as I attempted to move towards one of the common room couches.

"We weren't there when it happened, but what happened? Flitwick told us to get back to the common room at lunch." Drew asked me.

I cringed when he called Professor Flitwick just 'Flitwick' didn't anyone have respect? But everyone's different.

"All that happened was some girl jumped off of the Astronomy Tower. Hermione Granger used the incantation Aresto Momentum and slowed the girl down to a stop. Then she started muttering about how people were coming and we were all going to die when I got to her. That was it." I told them the whole story.

Drew seemed to think about this and Mel and Sam looked worried.

"Have you seem today's Daily Prophet?" Sam asked.

I shook my head no.

She handed me a copy and I read the headline.

Mass Breakout from Azkaban

I was shocked.

"Are you serious?"

"As the grave." Drew told me.

Holy fuck. Was all I could think.

"That still doesn't explain why that girl would jump from the Astronomy Tower? Unless one of these Death Eaters did something to her family?" I suggested.

Everyone shrugged not sure what to say.


Later that night right before dinner, Mel pinned the Quidditch Team names to the announcement board.

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