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I hurried up the spiral staircase to the Astronomy Tower with Death Eaters surrounding me. I informed Bellatrix Lestrange that I had not found any evidence of the Ministers daughter being at Hogwarts and that it was a false lead to take us off her trail.

So here we were now heading upstairs. The closer we got the more clear I could hear Draco and Dumbledore.

When I told Emerald what Draco had to do she was mortified, but I won't let anything happen to her. So long as she's in that classroom.

"Well done Draco." Bellatrix said as we walks from the staircase,

"Hellos Bellatrix, I believe introductions are in order?" Dumbledore spoke.

He looked so sickly and pale.

"Love to Albus, but we're on a bit of a tight schedule." She replied back.

She continued to encourage Draco to kill Dumbledore until someone spoke up.

"No." Snape came out of the shadows and I saw a flicker of movement at me feet.

Potter. I thought.

The next short moments were a blur. Snape cast the killing curse murdering Dumbledore and casting him over the Astronomy Tower railing.

Bellatrix cast the Dark Mark into the air.

We all ran down the stairs and that's when the fighting broke out.

I broke away from the ranks and pretended to take out students or teachers, when in fact I was aiming for Death Eaters. I ran and ran towards the classroom firing spells at anyone in my way that was evil.

Just as I went to open the door a voice rang out.

"You can't do this Blaise." Draco said.

Surrounding him were Bellatrix, Greybeck and Snape. There were a few others I couldn't name off the top of my head.

"What's he talking about Zabini?" Bellatrix sneered.

"Nothing. I'm scoping out the area, making sure no filthy Mudbloods are hiding." I said back in a hard tone.

"She won't be safe with you."

"Fuck off Malfoy." I spat.

"'She?' Who is 'she?'" Bellatrix was getting closer now.

I couldn't take all these Death Eaters at once. There was no way.

"Snape!" Someone screamed from down the corridor.

It was Potter and a few others.

"Betrayed?" Bellatrix spoke.

Her eyes filled with such a hatred, she aimed her wand at me and fired a spell, but I felt a warmth before it hit.

A glowing sensation, I looked down at my chest and I saw it, a bright green.

The lock was glowing.





It was an eternity. I had no idea when to expect him. I had no clue whether or not he would live.

He had to. He must live.

He has to because I love him. I love Blaise Zabini.





I knew she loved me and I knew I loved her as well.

I jumped out of the way of Bellatrix's spell. It blasted open the door and she rushed inside.

Good, phase one complete. I watched as Potter and his group of witches and wizards followed the Death Eaters firing spells back and fourth.

I got up from the floor and ran in the opposite direction towards a different corridor. I rushed towards the tapestry of the knight slating a dragon and opened the door to the right of it. I stepped inside and closed the door, casting a silencing charm around us.

"Em?" I whispered.

Lumos. I thought.

My wand lit up and I walked farther into the room.

"Emerald? Love?" I walked towards the back where there was an office.

I slowly opened the door and was met with a wand at my neck.

I slowly lifted mine so I could see the persons face and they could see mine. It was Emerald and she was crying.

I didn't say anything I simply pulled her into a hug as she sobbed.

"I thought you died and then the key lit up." She sobbed harder and I tried my best to calm her down.

We needed to move quickly. We needed to get out of here. Now.

"Emerald. We have to go now. I promise you we'll be safer if we leave." I slow softly and she nodded.

She grabbed a small purse and heaved it over her shoulder.

"We can't apparate?" She asked and I smiled weakly.

"Snape killed Dumbledore. The protective enchantments broke after that. We can apparate now." I explained gently grabbing her hands.

"Where are we going?"

"To meet someone." I smiled.

We turned in place and with a crack we were gone, just as McGonagall and a few others burst through the door, we were already in our new home.

I looked over at Emerald and I saw her eyes widen in fascination. She looked at me with a childish glint and I threw and arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to me.

"Welcome to New York Emerald." I said.

Emerald // B.Z. #1 AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ