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Madame Pomfrey informed me that I would be confined to my dormitory until tomorrow morning and gave me a potion to drink.

Blaise and I walked towards the Ravenclaw common room and I felt as though he wanted to hold my hand but had no idea how to.

"Guess you're not going to meet me after all huh Love?" He questioned.

"Oh no, I am, Mel will help me sneak out, no worries." I gave him a mischievous smile and he laughed.

"Look at you, actually breaking rules?" He teased me and I rolled my eyes.

"Coal." Someone called out to me.

Blaise and I stopped and turned around to see a pissed off Harry Potter, a confused Ron Weasley, and a worried Hermione Granger.

"What do you want Harry?" I called out.

"I'll see you later Emerald," Blaise told me then he walked away.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione came up to me once he left.

"Hey Ron, Hermione." I greeted them.

"Emerald, why were you with Zabini?" Hermione asked me.

Don't tell me they've turned into Harry now. I thought.

"We're just hanging out, why?"

"You shouldn't be hanging out with him," Ron said and he looked slightly green.

"And why not?" I put my hands on my hips and glared at them.

"We, we may have heard some news, regarding you being the Minister's daughter," Hermione whispered to me.

I noticed Harry was silent the whole time and had a smug look on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, a rumor has just come from the Order of the Pheonix, and well it's that someone is looking for you. Someone to kidnap you and take you to You-Know-Who himself and the rumors pointed at Blaise." Hermione explained.

I was shocked.

Blaise? A Death Eater who's suppose to kidnap me and take me to He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named? Impossible.

I started laughing. Shocking all three of them but I clutched my stomach from laughing so hard. This was fucking hilarious.

I wiped away a couple of tears that had come from laughing so hard before I spoke.

"You know, I thought I could be friends with you two, but now you've sided with Harry? After what happened during Christmas? Brilliant, just fucking brilliant. Why don't you all find someone else to try and ruin a relationship with?" I turned around and stormed away from them before they could even answer.

Blaise was not a Death Eater.





Just tell her.

No, she'll hate me.

She'll hate you more if you don't tell her!

She'd never look at me the same.

Do you want her to know or find out from someone else?

Emerald // B.Z. #1 AUWhere stories live. Discover now