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Brittany was finally back! 

She looked great too. After being away for four months, healing up at St. Mungo's, she was finally back on her feet just in time for my birthday.

She didn't feel like telling us what had happened. She said that all she truly remembered was a dark figure came up and slashed at her. Nothing else. We decided to drop the matter and have fun for the next two days.

Today was my actual birthday, of course, it fell on a Thursday and we had classes the next day so we decided to throw a party tomorrow. However, Mel decided against telling any Professor this time.

Mel enchanted some parchment which only students Sixth to Seventh Years could read. How she did that I have no idea. If any professors looked at it, it would simply be blank parchment.

She handed them out at breakfast and so far I've had multiple people wish me happy birthday and inform me they're coming to the party. Everyone except Blaise and the Golden Trio. However, Hermione wished me a happy birthday in class today.

So here I was on my way to Potions wondering if Blaise would tell me anything.

I heard him before I saw him and he was noticeably angry. He and Draco seemed to be having a heated argument. Draco looked so sickly. His hair was a more of a dull gray then a white blond. Before I could head over Theo blocked my way by pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Happy birthday Emerald!" He screamed in my head.

"Theo... Can't... Breath..." I managed out.

"Oops sorry." He put me down.

"It's okay. Thank you by the way." I smiled weakly.

I looked over his shoulder to see Blaise smiling weakly at me and a seething Draco.

"What's wrong with Draco?" I asked Theo.

If what I'm thinking is right, Draco must be a Death Eater too.

"Draco? His knickers are always in a twist, he's fine. I'm going to my seat now before old Sluggy gets here, I'll see you later." He smiled and walked off.

I headed to my seat and noticed Mel glaring at Blaise.

Mel, Sam and Drew still weren't on good terms with Blaise even after I told them it was a huge misunderstanding, I couldn't get them to be okay.

"Hey Emerald. Happy birthday." Blaise told me and he handed me a little package.

"Oh, Blaise you didn't have to." I read the small card on top,

To the most beautiful girl

~ Blaise

I opened up the package and it was a gorgeous necklace.

"Oh my goodness. It's gorgeous Blaise."

It was a simple key, but it looked like pure glass.

"It's enchanted." He told me, I poked at him confused.

"When, or if, you love someone, the key will glow around that person, but only if the person is wearing the lock that key goes to." He told me and held up a lock.

"The lock will glow at the same time as the key indicating that both people love each other. However if only one is glowing but the other is not, it means one person does not love the other. Also, if either necklace comes off easily, it means that person has fallen out of love with the other." He explained the process, then put the necklace with the lock on it over his head.

Neither glowed.

"You and I aren't in love with each other, but I'm hoping you still like me?" He rubbed the back of his neck indicating he was nervous.

I put my hand on the one in his lap and smile at him while whispering.

"I will always like you, Death Eater or not." With that, I turned and faced the front of the room while putting the necklace on.





She likes me still. Oh, thank goodness for that.

Now I have to deal with Draco. I've completely been ignoring my orders from the Death Eaters. I've been trying to figure out where Emerald and I could run to and so far only America is an option.

I tuned out Slughorn who was droning on about some sort of a fly wing and thought this over.

Would she even want to go with me? Her father is the Minister and she's in grave danger if anyone else finds out.

I have to tell her I know. I have to tell her what my mission is.

Would she ever trust me again? Would she believe me? I can't tell her now it's her birthday.

Soon though, I'll have to tell her.

Class ended and I waited for Emerald to clean up her things so she and I could walk together, that was until Weasley, Potter and the Mudblood came over.





I was shocked to see Harry, Ron and Hermione walk over to me after class.

"Hey Emerald," Ron spoke first.

"Happy birthday." He told me.

Mrs. Weasley had sent me a large package full of treats this morning for my birthday and Ginny had given me a book I had wanted.

"Thank you Ron," I replied back.

Hermione had already wished me a happy birthday so she simply smiled at me.

I raised an eyebrow at Harry who simply glared at Blaise behind me whom I could sense was doing the same.

"I've got to head up to my dorm now, I guess I'll see you around Ron. Hermione." I smiled at them and walked away.

Blaise following behind me. I realized now that Harry was correct. Blaise was a Death Eater, but it makes no sense. I've seen his sleeves rolled up, there's no mark.

I looked around the hall before asking him.

"Why don't you have the mark?" I asked.

He stopped walking and so did I. He seemed to be at a loss for words.

"Well, I haven't exactly completed my mission to become one. I don't want to complete my mission because someone I care deeply for will be hurt in the process. That's why I relocated my mum." He explained.

I nodded.

"What is your mission?" I asked.

I could tell he was debating on telling me.

"I don't feel like talking about it right now." He told me.

"That's okay. I've got to head to my dorm, I'll see you later maybe." I smiled and walked away.

"Bye Emerald." I barely heard him whisper.

Emerald // B.Z. #1 AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora