Chapter 8 - The Gift

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                     Two days later

Leia was sitting lazily in the cargo room that she had learned to call her temporary home. She had changed her clothes by now, and she wore a light blue tunic over brown leggings.

The last couple days had been fairly uneventful, but she had at least showered and ate something. What she had eaten was utterly unrecognizable, but it didn't matter to her at this point. . .which was saying a lot.

Han hadn't really said much else about their destination, nor anything about himself. Frankly, Leia was quite curious about the young pilot's past.

What had driven him to become a smuggler? Where was he from?

She guessed that the stripe down his pants meant something significant, but the Princess didn't have much knowledge about such things.

Leia groaned out of uncharacteristic boredom.

How much longer until we reach Tatooine?

Han hadn't given her any idea as to how long it would take to get there. Yesterday, Leia had asked, "Are we there yet?" and Han had glared actual daggers at her. So she didn't ask again.

Leia still had much to figure out about this man. Well, technically, he wasn't a man just yet. He only looked a few years older than Leia, so what was he?

A boy? No, that didn't sound right either. A. . .pilot? Well, yes, he was a pilot. But that seemed a little informal.

A smuggler? Once again, yes, he was. But that seemed even worse than "pilot".

Young pilot? That sounded okay, but still not what Leia was looking for.

Whatever. She'd just call him Han.

The Princess hopped off of the crate she was sitting on and started walking towards the room's exit. Her original plan was to head to the cockpit, but she suddenly realized that she may or may not run into that Wookiee that Han called his "co-pilot".

In all honesty, Leia was slightly. . .well, slightly terrified of the large creature. Of course, she knew it must be friendly if Han trusted it. Yet, she also knew it could be dangerous for the same reason.

Even though Leia had only known the pilot for a couple days, she was slowly starting to find out what made him tick. . .and also what made him incredibly irritated.

Leia was additionally surprised to find out that she could make him laugh and also turn red with anger within mere minutes of each other. She hadn't, however, decided to test the theory further. Honestly, he could do the same to her, and that was always embarrassing.

Besides — Leia did definitely want to learn more about Han. If someone would have asked her why, though. . .she wouldn't have had a decent answer. Not one she'd be willing to just outright admit.

Leia slid the cargo room door open and slunk down one of the many halls of the Millennium Falcon. Did Leia question the ship's name? Yes. Was she brave enough to ask Han? No. He seemed to really take extreme pride in the vessel.

There was a chance that he built it himself (that would explain his inexplicable attachment to it), but that seemed unlikely considering his excessive history in being a con artist.

He probably tricked someone into selling it to him.

Leia smiled as she remembered her elaborate estimation of Han's "career". The whole theory had taken her the longest time to come up with, and she was immensely proud of the result.

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