Chapter 51 - When In Space

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A/N: Wowee wow wow, welcome back to My Life as Leia!!! Chapter 51 is ready to GOOOO!!

I will admit there isn't much action in this one, but there IS some Vader/twins interaction, some of Vader's deepest thoughts, and a glimpse into Leia's rare "girly" side! So hopefully that makes up for the lack of action, haha XD

I hope you've all had a great couple weeks! I'm not super pumped to start school on the 28th, because when it starts, I'll have less time to post chapters. Granted, I can count on my fingers how many chapters we have left....but still.

Okay, time for review responses!!

Nobodythestormcrow: Thank you!! 50 chapters and counting XD Yeah, Vader and children don't usually mix, but hey, there seems to be no avoiding it this time :p As for Admiral Piett, I'm not sure if he's there or not. Maybe! Trust me, Luke and Leia will be plenty busy, hehe.

gothamfangirl: YAYYYY!!! THANK YOUUUU!!! That means a lot ^_^"

Alright buddeez, time to get this show on the road! I hope you enjoy!


"How do I know if it's working?" Luke asked, his blue eyes squeezed firmly shut. Leia sat across from him, trying her best to remain as patient as possible. It was turning out to be a hopeless endeavor, however, because she had absolutely no idea what she was doing. At all.

Vader had suggested (more like ordered) that Leia teach Luke how to hide his Force-signature. The Emperor was apparently close enough to potentially sense the twins' presences. And, to top off the stack of irritating things to deal with, Darth Vader had told Leia that she was already hiding her signature! She wasn't sure how that could be true, because didn't that sort of thing require concentration?

"I don't knowwww," Leia groaned, letting her head fall back against the side of the bed. "Like I said—I'm not a teacher! I don't even know how I'm doing it, much less how to show you."

There was something else that was bothering Leia, although she wasn't about to tell Luke. He had enough things to worry about. But. . .it was hard for Leia to focus when her mind was constantly wandering back to the short discussion she'd had with Vader about Padmé. It sent chills up her spine thinking about her mother being friends with the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Of course, there was always the possibility that Vader was good at some point. He was human, after all (at least, that's what she'd always believed). At some point, Vader would've had a family. Friends. An actual life. He couldn't have been this monster in a suit for his whole life, could he?

But that wasn't what bothered Leia the most. While Vader had been giving his hasty (and somewhat questionable) excuse, an idea had formed in Leia's mind. It was a terrifying, disgusting, unbelievable thought, but the princess couldn't just ignore it. She'd definitely tried, and that didn't work.

While she'd snatched that oh-so-brief glimpse into Darth Vader's head, Leia gathered more than one piece of information. She'd heard the distinct word "Padmé ", but she'd also felt something.

Vader's emotions had seemed to momentarily extend to Leia—whether that was from being in his mind or not, she didn't know. But she'd felt a very powerful emotion. Happiness, exuberance, desire, and admiration, all squished into one extremely prominent wave of passion. It was overwhelming.

She'd felt love. Or, more accurately, Vader had felt love. For Padmé. And it was mildly unnerving. Actually, it was terrifying. Leia got goosebumps just thinking about it.

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