Chapter 27 - We Know

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A/N: Hi again, Readers! Hope you're having a great day!

So. Luke and Leia know they're related now, and it seems you guys actually liked the way I did it, so thank youuu! Now you'll get to see their overall reactions, and Han (and Chewie) also reappear in this chapter. No more spoilers, so have at it!

Luke and Leia sat in silence. But it wasn't an uncomfortable, awkward silence. Instead, it was a peaceful kind of quietness that suggested people wanted it to be that way. They needed the silence to figure things out on their own, before they exchanged words with each other.

After a while, Leia was finally able to feel emotions again. But when they hit her, they hit her hard. Should she laugh? Cry? Smile? Pass out? Luke was just as overwhelmed.

Soon, Leia had tears running down her face, and Luke didn't know whether to jump with joy or mimic Leia's tears of happiness. For a moment, they just sat there and smiled at each other, wanting to speak but not having the courage to do so.

Eventually, Luke settled on tackling Leia in a hug. She laughed through her tears to hug him back, because that was really all she was capable of at the moment.

The two twins stayed like that for a while, basking in their newfound relationship. And, for the first time in her life, Leia felt complete.


Han and Chewbacca were taking a break from their hike. They seemed to be in a heated discussion, but it was actually just Han talking to himself.

"How could I have been so stupid?" Han asked no one in particular. "I let them run off to who knows where! I'm supposed to look after those kids! And, heck, what am I gonna tell the Viceroy of Alderaan? I can't say his daughter slash heir to the throne is running unsupervised through Tatooine with her long lost twin brother!!"

Chewbacca produced a noise resembling a laugh.

"And that's a whole 'nother story! Who knows what'll happen when they figure it out! They obviously don't know they're twins, and I'm scared to think about what'll happen if they find out. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they already know. Yeah, and I wonder how they'd handle it."

Chewie growled.

"No, they'd handle it better than that. They're smart kids. The most they'll do is. . .I don't know, high-five or something."


Luke and Leia weren't being as mature as Han thought they would be.

They were currently jumping up and down in circles, still clinging tightly to one another.

"We're twins, we're twins, we're twins! I have a twin, I'm not an only child!!" Leia was yelling.

Luke was saying, "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I finally have a sibling! I have a sister!!!"

To them, all previous happiness had been nothing compared to this. Neither one of them had ever experienced joy this pure and exciting.

The two siblings finally ceased their fit of celebration and collapsed happily onto the metal floor.

"So," Leia breathed, after forcing herself to calm down. "What are we supposed do now?"

Luke shrugged, the smile not leaving his face.

"I have no idea," he said. "I'm sure there's a certain reaction for times like this."

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