Chapter 57 - Eleven Would Be Proud

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A/N: Hello and welcome back to MLAL! As you can see, I somehow managed to NOT skip a month between this chapter and the last one. I'd call that an improvement!

Also, quick question: would any of you happen to know what the best FFN upload day is? I thought someone said it was Wednesday, but I'm not sure. Let me know if you're knowledgeable about stuff like that XD

Sorry in advance for any typos in this chapter. It was proofread at a very late hour, heh.


Luke's voice held panic as he asked, "What now?"

Leia was just as unsure. Their plan was in motion, but now that the ball was rolling, no one knew what to do with it. Han was on his way (Leia knew, because he'd told them), which was good news. However, the twins had no idea what to tell him or where to go. The Emperor was still somewhere on the ship, so they didn't want to risk leaving the control room. But in order to escape, they had to leave the control room.

"Well?" Luke prompted. "You're always the one with the brilliant plan! Do something!"

The emphasis on brilliant made Leia question Luke's sincerity, but she was too confused to be mad just then. Various probable outcomes were running through her mind, none of them ending well, and they were beginning to drive her closer to the edge.

Instead of answering Luke, Leia spoke hurriedly into the comlink, "Han. What do we do?"

She didn't mean to ask that. It just slipped out. And now it sounded like their plan lacked mandatory structure, which it did, but Han wasn't supposed to know that!

Han's reply was expected.


Leia winced, already regretting the question she'd asked.

Han continued, "I thought you had a plan! I can't just pick you up! You said the Emperor is aboard! It's not like I can fire a few shots and storm the place!"

Leia's hand tightened around the comm as she bit her lip. Luke was standing close by, watching his sister expectantly, which wasn't really helping.

When Leia didn't respond to Han, he hollered, "We're already headed up to the Star Destroyer! You'd better come up with something quick, or else this whole thing goes to—"

"I'm thinking!" Leia yelled, startling Luke.

"We don't have time for that, Your Worship! You've got ten minutes, maximum."

From somewhere in the background, Chewbacca roared an agreement.

With all other options gone, Leia came up with the only plan that ever seemed to work: spontaneity.

"Luke, come on!" she ordered, charging across the control room and out the door. He followed obediently, getting an idea of what Leia was about to do. Vaguely, anyway. No one could ever be too sure of what Leia was about to do.

They ran down the hall and past the small viewport that overlooked the docking bay. Leia could only think that time was ticking and she had to move fast. As usual, a haphazard plan came to her as she was sprinting into danger—she only hoped it would actually work.

I have to trust the Force.

By some miracle, the twins ended up a level below the viewport, standing in the wide doorway of the docking bay. Leia skidded to a halt, sticking out her arms to warn Luke before he crashed into her. He stopped just in time and peeked around her to see into the docking bay.

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