Chapter 17 - Feeling Cultured

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A/N: hi there! It's update time!! Woohoo! I've been keeping a semi-consistent schedule of updating every three days, so we'll see how it goes, huh?

Get ready to see just how great the job is turning out for Luke and Leia. You'll be glad you don't work in a cantina. Let's hop right in!!

Luke and Leia started work that very day. It was fun! It was new! It was an experience!

After fifteen minutes, Leia understood why kids didn't normally work in cantinas. Or work in general.

Both kids were kept on their toes every second.

The barista had Luke making/mixing the drinks. The back room was cramped and smelled like a creature had died in there.

"This is where you'll be working for the rest of the day. Get familiar with everything," said the man. "Lemme just check on your little friend out there."

The bartender made his way to the counter and managed to catch a fast glimpse of Leia. She was darting left and right, trying to take orders, fill orders, and find what the customers wanted.

I'm in over my head again, aren't I?

"Having fun yet?" the man asked. "Wishing ya woulda listened to me?"

Leia didn't have the time to stop moving, so she only gave the man a sarcastic smile and turned away. The bartender chuckled to himself.

"They won't last more than a day," he mumbled to no one in particular.

A few moments later, Leia had a while to rest. All customers seemed to be satisfied, so she leaned against the counter wearily and scanned the room.

Business had definitely slowed down; Leia wondered what time it was. A low growl came from her stomach, reminding her that she hadn't eaten anything all day.

Huh. There's gotta be something here that isn't toxic or disgusting.

Before Leia could begin her search for food, another customer sat down on a stool. Leia sighed loud enough for him to hear her.

"Uh, hi! What can I get—"

Leia was cut short by the alien's demanding grunts. The more she listened, the more Leia realized that she didn't speak that language.

"Uh. . .I'm sorry, Sir. . .or ma'am. . .but I don't understand."

More incoherent dialect from the alien.

"I don't speak that! Here, how about. . ."

Leia hastily grabbed a mug and filled it with some brown liquid from a spout.

". . .this!"

The alien snatched it from Leia's hands and gulped it down greedily.

"See? I knew you'd like that. If I can—"

Leia, once again, didn't get to finish.

The alien jabbered angrily and slammed the mug on the counter.

"I'm sorry! I only speak Basic!" Leia emphasized again.

The alien didn't seem to accept her apology. Instead, he picked up the mug once more and threw it directly at Leia, who didn't have time to duck.

Scalding hot liquid poured over her head and ran down the back of her shirt. Within seconds, Leia was saturated in whatever brown drink she had given the customer. The mug had smacked her in the forehead, where there would probably be a bruise soon.

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