Chapter 2

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*Neville Pov*

"Sis, I need your car." I glanced up from my laptop to see her walking inside my room and settling on the bed.

"Did you got your license?" I asked continuing to do my work.

"Yes! I just go it last week and I am not a kid anymore. I am eighteen." she replied rolling her eyes.

"Here! I don't want a scratch either on car or on you. If it is then I will talk Dad out of buying you a new one until one year." I warned her.

"He is my Dad too and we will see whose words he will hear." she said smirking.

"Just be careful at least about your self." I said shaking my head.

"Thank you, Big sis." she said grinning and rushed out of the room.

I am really her big sister! I thought frowning and then felt why am I not that close to her at all.

Oh! I remember that my step-mom didn't want my influence on her daughter's I don't have any manners.

What manners should I have presented when he suddenly brought her home saying she is my new mom and she is already pregnant?

And the timing was just perfect as that was just a week after Mom's first and last call after leaving the house.

So, I did what any four year old would do. I burst out crying and didn't stop until Dad said I am shaming him in front of his new wife.

I shook my head clearing all the thoughts and decided to give a visit to john as today evening I am going to tell Dad about both of us.

Then I remembered that Kate took my keys but I still stood up before going downstairs and saw Dad and his wife sitting in the living room.

"Dad! I am going out but I need to tell you something in the evening." I said and he glanced at me surprised but then smiled more.

"Sure! Will be waiting, Nev." he said happily.

Maybe I was really harsh on him with my distant behaviour. But I tried each time to be close to him which never happened with the attention seeker of Step mom and even Kate was little by the time I was big enough to care for myself.

At least my dear Step mom was never cruel and took care of my things until I could do them myself. I sighed and left the house taking a cab and reached his flat soon but stopped when I saw my car parking in front of the apartment.

Maybe Kate is visiting some other friend or even John himself. It is not like she doesn't know about our both relation and met him many times whenever she came to my office.

She liked him for me and promised not to tell her Mom and our Dad no matter what for which I am really great and it actually created a type of bond between us.

When I stepped before his flat, I saw her flats and frowned thinking why is she visiting him alone. Did she wanted something? I thought frowning and opened the door with the extra key he gave me.

"I missed you, Kate." I heard his voice and turned sharply towards his bedroom.

"I know! I wanted to meet you last week but you were busy with her." I heard Kate's voice with venom covering it.

"Forget about her and let's think what to do if she tells her Dad about me."John said and I slowly walked towards the door.

"She will never as they both are not close and you just leave her at least now for god's sake. We have been dating for two months and you are not leaving her." Kate said in a sad voice but frustrated too.

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