Chapter 14 - Wild Chase

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He was still reluctant to believe that a tiny girl welted him, and escaped!
Like a piece of cake.
She took advantage of the darkness.

Surely she has a brain inside her little skull.

Although the hit was feeble still he felt a little pain. That rod grazed a bit of his head.

'Bitch! From where did you get that iron rod?' While checking his head for any wound, he cursed her.

Soon he switched on the light and dialed the watchman's no. "Sajawal! I need you to be alert, the girl has escaped out of the room, and may be coming outside."

He was never expecting that from a "touch me not" girl.

His rage was bubbling inside him. 'Was I going to rape you, bitch! you attacked me like a wild cat'. He stormed out of the room with a devilish grudge.

"Sajawal! Where is the girl?" He was on the porch, expecting the arrested girl.

"Saab! I didn't see her." He replied like a loser.

After viewing the scenario he realized that the gate stood ajar.

She has escaped!

"You idiot! Are you drunk? Couldn't locate the girl." He took long strides to the gate, "She is gone, you dummy watchman." He turned to scold him for this extreme carelessness. That was his really lazy ass work.

"Now open your eyes and be a "Watch Man." He made him halt, with his hand pointed to his seat beside the gate.

As he turned to cross the gate, he stumbled through something rolled under his boot...

'What the hell is this?'

He cursed as he seethed. She left the crime weapon there.

'Cunning Bitch...I won't leave you, once you are caught' he gritted.

He made his way into the woods as he was hearing some rustling in that part. He was damn sure she will be in his arms soon.

He ran in the direction where he heard a little groan.

'Stupid it will be your throughout the achy night...full of pain..'

He was in full mood to punish her, firstly she dared to strike, and secondly, she escaped. 'Vaya leona!'
(Whoa Lioness)


The sky was all clear to witness the galaxy; it wasn't a moonless night either as moonbeam was quite enough to move away easily.

'You can't get away so easily...Bitch.'

Running through the Woods he was minimizing the distance, as he located the girl through her little gasp again.

Ugh! He gritted at her sight.

Come on....come on. He made a turn - took strides and blocked her way.


"Ahh!" She ran into him and collapsed.

Within seconds she stood up and....froze.

He interpreted her voiceless "No", as her mouth opened and her eyes got doubled in size as she met a ghost.

As she retreated and turned, "Where, han?" He yanked her hair from the back to stop her. "Ahh!" She winced.

It was enough for him.

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