Chapter 4-Royalty of Middle Earth

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Catalina said goodbye to Iellwen and followed prince Legolas down the palace corridors. She had been looking forward to dinner, she hadn't eaten since the early morning.


"You can just call me Legolas if you like." He said, evening his stride with hers.

"Okay. So in that case, you can just call me Catalina."

Legolas smiled, pleased, "were you going to ask me something?"

"Yes about this necklace," Catalina opened her palm to show Legolas the necklace, "it was in my room. It's not mine though."

"Oh, well, you'll just have to ask my father about it. I'm not sure." He turned his head away, hiding a smirk of sorts.

When they arrived in the dining room, Catalina's nerves began to stir up again, trying to remind herself of her manners, and the small dread of having to try new food.

The table was only set for four, and Catalina's stomach turned over. In Asgard, all of the warriors, castle officials, advisors and royals ate together. Here, it was clear that only the royal family dined here, and the others dined in a separate hall.
Catalina sat stiffly down in her chair, tensing up even more when the king's personal advisor strode into the room. When his eyes fell on her, she straightened her spine.

"I do not believe I have had the chance to meet the princess of Asgard." He said as King Thranduil entered the dining room.

"I see you were not present for her arrival, in that case you will have to inquire of her yourself. I will not introduce you." The king settled himself into his chair at the head of the table.

Catalina glanced over at Legolas who was giving the advisor an exasperated look.

"Princess, I am Veryangole, my lord's personal advisor. It is an honor to make your acquaintance my lady." He lightly kissed her knuckles, but Catalina could tell the words my lady were not common in his vocabulary. He spoke them sourly, as if Catalina did not look old enough to hold such a title as my lady. Nevertheless, Catalina inclined her neck,

"The same to you as well sir," she pulled her hand out of his grasp, not willing to leave it in the hands of a threat.

Veryangole sat down, his eyebrows furrowing, "Princess, your attire is interesting. Did you match my lord's evening clothes purposely?"

Catalina looked over to the king, who shifted uncomfortably in his seat. They realized that they did match. The king wore a velvet red robe and a black tunic with black boots. Catalina wore a dark red dress, with black trim and cuffs and black leather boots.

"I swear I didn't know, my lord I'm sorry." Catalina's heart began to speed up again, and her dislike for Veryangole increased.

"There is no reason to be sorry Princess, it was a mere coincidence. Veryangole, do not embarrass her so." He caught a glimpse of Catalina's flushed cheeks.

Veryangole frowned and turned his eyes away from her, and Catalina tried her best to stop blushing.

"So, Catalina," Legolas attempted to steer the conversation elsewhere. "I've heard that Asgard is much different than Middle-Earth. Is it true that all Asgardians are gods and goddesses?"

Catalina smiled at the slick conversation turn, and she always enjoyed talking about her home.
"No, that's not true. Only some are identified as gods. But all Asgardians are immortal though."

Legolas tilted his head at her in contemplation.
"How are gods identified?"

"Usually by the way they look. Sometimes they use their powers freely and it's obvious, but others are not so easy. You can tell sometimes by their face. Their eyes might have an unnatural shine, their hair will be smoother, or they'll just look the part." Catalina could see out of the corner of her eye Legolas observing her, then looking over at his father.

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