Chapter 30- Tales of Times Past

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Catalina had begun walking around on her own, with Iellwen's consent of course, and had begun venturing outside. Legolas, Feren and Tauriel had been ordered to keep a close eye on her, since everyone knew how she could disappear when one's back turned.

"How's you're ankle treating you?" Tauriel asked as Catalina gingerly trotted next to them.

"Much better, thank you," She replied.

The four friends sat together on a rock ledge, Catalina nestled in-between Legolas and Feren so they would not lose her due to a distracted glance.

"The king has had you under high security has he not?" Feren asked.

"He can't keep her in one place I'm told," Legolas smiled at the blushing Catalina. "Ada likes you a lot."

"Thanks?" Catalina frowned as she looked off into the distance.

"What's wrong? Don't you like him?" Legolas asked, frowning.

"No, no, I like him it's just that.... Holy Midgard, what is that?!" The three elves immediately sprang to their feet and brandished their weapons.

"What? What is it?" Feren asked, squinting.

"Guys, she's gone," Tauriel growled and put her bow and arrow away.

"We lost her?!" Legolas hit his palm on his forehead.

"He's going to have my head," Feren sighed and began walking into the forest to go look for the escapee.


Catalina snickered as she watched the three elves from the rock. Once they had disappeared, she slid down the slope and picked her way along the edge of the forest. Soon she ventured back in, following a path, expecting the three to find her any given moment, but they didn't.

So she continued, shoving her hands into her pockets as she wandered farther.

In time she reached the edge of the kingdom, the entrance of Mirkwood. On her left stood a statue, vines overtaking the face and body. Curiosity getting the better of her, Catalina reached up and removed the vines, revealing the pretty face of the statue.

Catalina frowned; she remembered this face, and the crown she wore.

"Eluriel?" The name came involuntarily from her lips, the name that brought back tears and many unwanted memories. Catalina's breath caught in her throat and she swallowed hard, looking down at the old Elvish runes carved in the stone.

Queen Eluriel.

Catalina shook her head and tried to walk away, but her feet stayed planted in the ground. She couldn't leave.

"Sister," Catalina gasped, a pain in her heart forming as a memory flashed. "Sister."

The word was strange on her tongue, it was unfamiliar, yet it seemed to fit.


The trees started to sway, the ground turned underneath her, the landscape twisted her vision; and she fell.


"Atara, what is it?"

"It's a little girl Eluriel."

"Her eyes were red!"

"They are no longer red; she is normal."


Manwathiel sighed as she headed for the large meeting hall that was being used as a school. Other elflings raced past her, but she stayed at her own walking pace.

Once Upon A Dream (Thranduil Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang