Chapter 11-Letters to Asgard

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It was three days until the end of December, three days until the second of Catalina's ten year stay in Middle-Earth, and three days until the report was due.

King Thranduil sat alone at a table, a feather pen in one hand, and Odin's first letter in the other. The Allfather had sent a preceding message along with Catalina in order that the elven king would know what to expect when he met the princess.

The king stared blankly at a sentence that seemed to stand out among the rest. He had read it before and had initially brushed it aside with indifference, but as he stared at it presently, the sentence and letter in general had taken on a whole new meaning to him.

Do not force her to remember.

King Thranduil sat back in his chair. His first thought had been that the older king was giving him advice. Now, it seemed more like a threat. What sort of threat, he knew not.

"My lord do you have a moment?" Veryangole stepped inside the king's room, a scowl on his face as usual.

"I am busy Veryangole; what is it that you want?" The elven king sighed and set down his pen, awaiting the usual pedagogy that always followed his advisor's presence.

"You are writing to the king of Asgard?"

"Yes it is a private matter, that is why you are not writing it for me, if that is what you wanted to know."

"I only wish to know why you make business with Asgard so confidential. It is suspicious to me the way you go about writing private letters to Odin. With every matter you confide in me to help, but in our dealings with Asgard, you speak nary a word to me. Please tell me of the letters that you write such as this."

Veryangole watched as the king straightened and left his seat. He looked at him, his blue eyes closed for but a moment.

"I myself have personal business to sort out with Odin. Situations are ever changing, and keeping our conversations in the dark is essential at this point in time. If matters allow, I will reveal some things later on to you. But until then Veryangole, I ask that you keep your nose out of this one matter."

Veryangole signed inwardly and bowed low, "yes my lord." He turned to leave, but the king's sharp voice called him back.

"I heard from Feren what happened in the stables." His tone was plainly indignant.

"It was a misunderstanding." Veryangole said, silently cursing his brother.

"That is not the way I heard it. May I ask why you hate her so?" The king's icy glare bored into Veryangole, making him uncomfortable.

"I don't know my lord."

"Then your treatment of her should improve tremendously, or you had better find a reason to hate her. I am not dealing with your childish behavior any longer. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes my lord."

"Then leave now. I still have an entire letter to write to the Allfather, and I do not want it to be late because of you." He waved Veryangole away, and sat back down.

He sighed and looked down at his half written letter. He picked up the feather pen and began to write again.
His feelings poured onto the parchment, the ink ran across the page as if it were his own mind. He told Odin of how well the princess was doing, and how much she seemed to like being in the elven palace. But as the letter ran on, he began to voice concerns, and the question that seemed to interweave itself into each thought came: Why doesn't she remember? Why can't she remember? Why, why, why?.....
But finally the letter ended, the pen ceased to write, and the elven king had nothing left to say.

Please respond as soon as possible,
King Thranduil Orophorion

He sealed the letter with the royal signet ring of the elves and sent the letter off to Asgard.

Please tell me why.

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