Chapter 24-I Swear

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Catalina smiled at her three brothers as they stood in one of the hallways before the throne room.

"Nice feathers," commented Loki as Thor was handed his helmet.

"You don't want to start that again do you, Cow?"

"I was being sincere."

"You are incapable of sincerity."

"Am I?"

"Yes, and whatever are you Catalina? A bird as well?"

"First of all, the animal is not even close to a bird, and second, it's a Butterfly," Catalina stood proudly. She had been given the helmet recently to show her status in the army. Most helmets were given to men exclusively, but this one was an exception, and it was better than any other helmet- according to Catalina, although the choice of the butterfly wings had been slightly suspicious to her.

"A girl's helmet indeed."

"It's better than your bird wings," She said.

"Come come you two, stop bickering over a helmet. Catalina, you look very distinguished as a warrior," Balder said.

"Thank you," Catalina nodded; finally somebody understood.

"It's time brothers....And sister." Balder said, putting on his own helmet. "How do I look?"

"Like a king," replied the twins, smiling.

Balder smiled and put his hands on there necks, giving them an affectionate rub.

"Now give us a kiss," said Loki, and Balder gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder.
"Stop it."
The twins laughed and Thor chuckled.
"You look like a king too Thor." Catalina added. Thor always had to have a compliment too.
"Your Majesties? It is time to head to the throne room." A servant poked his head around the door.
The siblings nodded to one another, and Balder and Thor began walking out.
"Look at them, so grown up," Catalina smiled sarcastically.
"Indeed, they have certainly matured." Loki rolled his eyes and held out his hand. "May I lead you down the aisle my dear sister?"
"You may," Catalina said and took his hand, and they walked to the throne room together.
Inside the throne room, Asgardians packed the room, cheering Thor and Balder on. Thor lifted his hammer, egging them on, soaking up the attention. Catalina rolled her eyes as she and Loki followed them a few strides away.
Frigga smiled at her children and greeted the twins on the stairs, and The Warriors Three smiled at them from the other side of the stairs.
Thor and Balder knelt before the throne together as Odin stood up. Thor smiled and winked over at the twins.
"Do you swear to guard the nine realms?"
"I swear!" Balder and Thor responded in sync.
"Do you swear to preserve the peace of the nine realms?"
"I swear!" They said.
"Balder, do you you swear to put away all selfish ambitions for the good of the nine realms?"
"I swear," Balder bowed his head, a great weight seeming to be placed on his shoulders.
"Thor, do you swear to put away all selfish ambitions and biased acts for the good of your kingdom and king?"
"I swear!" Thor shouted and lifted his hammer.
"I Odin Allfather, now proclaim you...." He stopped, and a silence filled the room. Not one soul moved or said a word. Thor and Balder waited, the suspense appearing to be killing Balder. Catalina looked to her mother, who in turn looked to Odin, but he was silent. "Frost Giants," he suddenly said, and a ripple of panic went through the entire room.
The sound of swords being unsheathed and metal on metal could be heard as the Balder, Thor, Loki, Catalina, the Warriors Three and Lady Sif abandoned their positions and raced for the castle courtyard. Frost Giants were everywhere, and guards fought them off with some difficulty.
When the fighting was over though, the day was ruined, and Thor growled and sulked off.

Once Upon A Dream (Thranduil Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora