Chapter 14-A Mother Never Forgets

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The years began flying by and Catalina's relationship with the elves of Mirkwood grew stronger. She was now in her sixth year, and home seemed to take on a new meaning, whether she had realized it or not. Legolas seemed to become a younger brother, and Feren an older brother. Veryangole was the annoying official who thought he knew everything, and Tauriel was the younger sister that she had wished for when she was small; and King Thranduil..... she didn't know what he was. He was friendly around her, but he seemed to be hiding things that she wanted to know. When he looked at her, his look told her many things, many of them confusing and unknown to her. But she often brushed his mysterious look away, and temporarily classified him as a friend.

He was giving her one of those looks now, his blue eyes staring straight into her as she sat with the king, prince, and adviser at the dinner table. The room was silent as a question had been raised: Will you miss us? She knew not who had asked it, and she did not know how to answer. Of course she would miss them, but she was eager to go home. It was the sixth year, and she began to truly miss her family and friends back in Asgard.

"Of course I'll miss you," she simply said. Legolas smiled and continued eating, Veryangole narrowed his eyes but followed suit, and the king simply looked away. Catalina swallowed and kept her eyes down, and waited for dinner to be over.

When Catalina and Legolas were allowed to leave to dining room, the princess sighed in relief, happy to be able to speak freely with the prince.

"Will you be at the festival tonight Catalina?" He asked, a happy tone added to his voice.

"Actually, I'll be busy tonight." Catalina smiled a little, her heart beginning to speed up. One of the elven violinists, Anameleth, taught her to play the violin in their spare time, and had even pulled a singing voice out of the princess, and tonight, she had somehow convinced her to perform.

"Busy? When have you ever been busy? You must come to the festival, or I will have no choice but to drag you there myself."

"Goodness no, you will not be dragging me anywhere. Do not worry I will come." The princess smiled and Legolas walked with her to her room, where Anameleth awaited.

"Princess hurry, oh hello Prince Legolas; hurry Catalina!" She grabbed Catalina's hand and rushed her into the bedroom.

"Catalina?" Legolas stood at the door confused.

"I'll see you later Prince," Catalina smiled and closed the door. Her eyes widened at the clothing lying on her bed.

"Anameleth, what is that?"

"It is the dress I had made for you. You are the centerpiece of the orchestra tonight are you not?" Anameleth smiled and floated over to the bed and lifted the dress to eye level.

"It is too much Child," Iellwen came in, drying her hands on a towel.

"It is not, I believe she will look wonderful." Anameleth set the dress back on the bed and smoothed it out. "What do you think Princess?" Anameleth stood back and let Catalina look at the dress.

"Um, Anameleth, I'm not singing tonight am I?" Up until now she had been convinced that she was simply playing the violin alongside the others.

"Why yes! What else would you be? That voice you have should not be hidden." The redheaded elleth's green eyes sparkled.

"But I can't do that in front of so many people," Catalina shivered and headed for the window.

"Well, there is no turning back now my lady, you have no choice. I am sure everyone will love you. Now we must get this dress on you. Iellwen help me." She picked up the dress once again and tugged at Catalina's arm.

Once Upon A Dream (Thranduil Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang