Chapter 13: The Ritual

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Chapter 13: The Ritual
Klynn Blaire

"Oh, um, could I talk to you Klynn? If your not still --- you know. I can't really explain it. If you have control?" I stifled a laugh.

"What's with the change of attitude? You weren't this shy around me. Or is this the mate bond speaking?" He winced. "I know it seems like that and I'm really sorry for making you feel that way." I gently covered his mouth before he goes on and on.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I was just teasing you." He nodded. He slightly shifted to the right. "Uhm... could I hold your hand in a friendly way?" His muffled voice made it through my hands. I rolled my eyes and gave out my hand so he could hold it. His hand was rough yet oddly satisfying to hold. He shuddered not so discretely. 

I uncovered his mouth and made him lead the way to the pack I despise the most. The Rising Sun. One reason this relationship wouldn't work is because he's the alpha of that pack. Plus he would get everyone killed with his inexperience. It's aggravating me. Maybe if his parents did a better job preparing him maybe this pack wouldn't be so annoying. Nah, they're all old farts that believe in the old pack rules. No hope at all.

"Your're kinda crushing my hand. And you wont move from this spot either." I looked down to notice my feet weren't moving and that my hand was basically trying to break his.

"Oh... my bad." I continued letting him lead the way. "I'm the only one who stayed behind so I'll be your escort." I could feel the happiness radiating off of him. I wanted to say something snide, but I didn't really want to ruin his mood.

"Are we seriously going to walk there?" I asked.

"I could shift and you ride on my back or you could just walk." He had a look on his face that showed he was completely serious.

"Why can't we both just shift? It would be ten times easier."

"Nope. I would probably pounce you right then and there if we were to both shift." Of course he would. Kayden never did have self-control.

"Shift. Please. My legs are kinda tired and I want a ride." It was true. Especially when Fahren drains all your energy.

"A ride on what? This di... uh, okay." I raised a brow. A vulgar Kayden is a bad one.

"The only ride you'll be getting is a ride to hell. One more innuendo and I'll run away." He looked scared for moment before he masked it with a blank face.

After prying myself off of his hand he finally shifted. Not before taking off his clothes behind a tree and giving it to me.

He nudged me to get on and that I did. His fur was a raven black which almost every alpha has. I tightened my grip and told him to start running.

Running he did. The wind metaphorically slapped my face and my hair was going in every direction. I couldn't see anything except Kayden's fur. Sometimes I could see the trees as we passed by them, but they were all in a blur anyways. He's running faster then a car.

I didn't notice that we stopped until he lightly shook me. He shifted and I fell onto the grass. I glared at him and he just smiled. He took his clothes from my hands which I forgot about and he slipped them on.

"How do we even start this ritual thing?" He asked waving at the pack members who were staring at me in shock. I ignored them.

"I don't know. Fahren probably knows if he said it was possible." I didn't really know that a ritual to speak to the moon goddess was a thing to begin with.

"Hey Fahren. You know how to start the ritual right? I know nothing about it."

"First of all, both parties have to be consenting, second it has to be night time, actually I'll just feed you the info." He let me dig through his thoughts like how he does with mine 24/7. Since we pretty much share the same thoughts he just blocks me from his most of the time.

Details about the ritual suddenly appeared in my mind and it seemed pretty easy to do it. It's just not guaranteed to actually get through to the moon goddess.

"What's with the blank look?" I didn't notice we were in the middle of the kitchen already.

"Uh... nothing. Just thinking about what we would do if this doesn't work or if she believes this..." I gestured my hands towards him and I " suppose to work."

"I don't trust you, my wolf doesn't trust you, and I don't like you." He looked hurt, but it was the truth.

"Harsh. We could make this work though." I was quiet. I knew it wouldn't work that easily considering both of us are different and to top it all of his pack is a homophobic mess. 

"Let's wait until night shall we?" I nodded and made myself comfortable. I keep getting all these stares and it's aggravating. I look the same pretty much just less scrawny so I'm the same person. I came back because I have to be here for the ritual. Not like anybody here knows Kayden and I are mates. Except some of the warriors and Quinn. Ugh, this'll be a long day.

After hours and hours of sitting on the couch with Kayden it was finally dark outside. The staring did still continue, actually I don't think they moved the entire day. It was quiet overall. Kayden didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, the pack members didn't say anything, and nature didn't say anything. 

Kayden broke the awkward silence. "We should start it in the backyard. You know we don't have to do this. I... don't you think this is going to far? I mean we talk to her then what?" He said already getting ready to go outside.

"We negotiate with her. I don't see what else we could do. Threaten her?" I feel like she would listen to us, or at least try to. She's isn't a really busy person when it comes to meetings.

"We have a chat with her about a few things and that's pretty much it. I don't think you and I would work considering I lost all trust in you, and all respect." Again I couldn't help but add a few insults. 

He didn't say anything after so I tried recalling what to do. I need to make a circle of dead flowers, connect them with a line, and draw my blood into said circle. How am I suppose connect them with a line? I guess chalk would work then.

I told Kayden what we needed and he went off to get them. I'm surprised he isn't making a fit about it. I thought he would at least try and argue a bit more, but maybe he finally understands that we need some sort of guidance. 

After a while he came back with the things I asked for. He set it up the way I asked him to do it.

"Now for the blood." I said. His face displayed horror. 

"Your blood or mine. If it's yours then I can't watch or smell it. My wolf is already on edge because of this."

"Just turn around, cover your nose, and cover your eyes. It'll be quick like, uh, lightning!"

Once he turned I only shifted to the point where I only had my claws. I dragged it along my finger and the blood slowly dripped onto the ritual circle.

The area quickly burst into a blinding light and I had to shield my face. "What the hell Klynn. This definitely wasn't mentioned at all!"

"It's working. That's all that matters." The leaves all around started circling the ritual circle and everything pretty much went everywhere. There was sudden winds that blew in every direction which cause the leaves to look a little disorientated.

But it was all worth it when I heard that one voice.


A/N: I know this chapter is shorter compared to my more recent ones. And it's also rushed :/ 

I'm probably gonna be doing slow updates after this chapter (around 2-3 weeks before an update) because I ran out of ideas. This story needs fluff and to have fluff I still need to tie things together. I didn't want to drag this story out, but I kinda have too.

Thanks to the people who are gonna stay though!


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