Chapter Six

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A/N: Apologies for taking so long to write this chapter. I had the sudden attack of writers block and found it very difficult to write this. Thanks for those of you who persisted and helped me get through it :) Hello to the new readers and thank you for voting.

Please feel free to tell me what you think of this chapter. I've edited as much as I could. However, I'm open to what you guys have to say. Help will be greatly appreciated.

Chapter Six

"I suggest we stay here tonight. Get some rest, you're going to need it." said Mac. He looked towards the fridge freezer by the window, sensing the crystals hiding place.

"At dawn, we're going into Faerie." He added before walking to the front door.

"Where are you going?" I asked. I didn't even know this guy and yet I felt suddenly apprehensive at being left alone in my own home.

Mac shot me an irritated look over his shoulder. "I got things to sort out." He added before leaving, clicking the front door closed behind him.

I stood motionless for a few minutes, with the events of that morning running through my head. The cold stares of the fake Police Officers, the shimmering of magic that surrounded them. Mac suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

I shivered and quickly turned the kettle on. A cup of tea made everything seem alright.

While the kettle was brewing I dug out the amulet from the freezer. The box was cold, bits of ice sparkled in the light before dispersing from the warmth.

The amulet inside was warm to touch. I glared at the curling mist inside. The stone Swung freely from its silver chain the crystal shimmered as the light reflected on it, casting out strange spindly shadows across the walls, as if I was in the middle of a forest.

I glanced at the butterflies fluttering here and there and birds flying low to rest on a rigid branch.

Staring at my walls in wonder, what was this? It looked as if the life of Faerie was trapped inside the crystal. Silhouettes of woodland creatures danced and pounced. I could sit and watch the scene unfold in front of me forever. Plants grew, buds blossomed.

"Don't stare for too long." A voice rippled in my mind and I quickly placed the necklace in the pocket of my leggings.

Heading towards the lounge with my mug of tea, I curled up on the sofa.

* * *

There was a powerful smell of damp leaves, and I'd been mummified in my own duvet. I stirred finding that I was still on the sofa, stretching my arms out I knocked my mug on the coffee table, causing it fall with a loud clatter.

"Shh." Mac's voice floated across from me, he was perched on the edge of the table. Eyes narrowed. How long had he been here, watching me?

"What time is it?" My voice, hoarse.

Mac blinked. "It's almost four in the morning."

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Well, you were asleep when I came back last night."

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