Chapter Twenty Two

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A/N: As it's Valentines day and I love you all so much for supporting me by reading, voting and commenting (Keep them coming!) and that I'm number 39 in the fantasy genre. I've decided to abandon any plans I had today and to write a full chapter. Happy Valentines Day :)

Chapter Twenty Two

The king roared with anger at his son's betrayal. The two redcaps hissed before drawing their daggers. Great, I was in the middle and tied down to a table. I flinched as one of the redcaps jumped up onto the table beside me. He growled at Kieran, saliva dripping from his sharp mouth and his dagger thrusting at the prince.

The king sneered at his son, sweeping his arms open wide.

"Go on son, I dare you." He spat, staring directly at the young man.

Kieran gritted his teeth as he moved across me so that the point of the sword pierced the kings clothing. His ice blue eyes darkened to royal blue. Everything went silent for a few moments before the redcap on top of the table shrieked and lunged at Kieran. With one move the prince whipped the sword around so quick I only saw the light bounce off the weapon. It collided with the creature decapitating his head clean off its shoulders. The head bounced off the edge of the table near my hand before falling on the floor followed by its twitching body. I felt sick.

The other redcap growled with anger at the instant death of his friend and soon enough he too was on the table, he was looking down at me dagger poised to my chest. Revenge flickered across his face. Then he screamed as a dagger was soon sticking into his chest. He froze, looking down at the blade that had been thrown and got lodged into his chest. It was a matter of seconds before he joined his crony on the floor.

"You can thank me later!" Mac called out, his footsteps echoing on the flagstones.

The king drew back, spinning away from the table and up close to the stone chair. All I could see was the darkness of the ceiling and a couple of arched windows, high up in the rafters. Hearing the clinks of swords clashing together, I tensed my shoulders. I felt exposed lying here my limbs tied down.

"Don't worry Sophia, we're coming!" Mac sounded, he grunted, hearing him fight.

Then I felt someone yank hard on the chains around my ankles. I glanced down and saw Kieran, his face in concentration and his fingers quickly darting over the links. He looked up at me, with worry in his eyes.

"Our magic is useless on metal. I'll have to do it the hard way." He said, taking a step back. He held his sword in both hands. His expression changed to determination as he stared at his target and with one fell swoop he started hammering at the chain where it tied to the table, missing my feet..

I flinched with every hit, the clang of metal vibrated through my head.

"Almost there!" Kieran said and with another whack, the chain loosened.

Kieran grabbed the chain and I freed my other ankle out of the loop. He then proceeded around to start again on my wrists. I could see him in my peripheral vision. His black hair was damp with sweat and his eyes were almost silver. I clenched my hands shut, afraid that I would get my fingers chopped off if I didn't.

I continued to stare up at the dark space above me and think about what was going on. I wasn't too sure, I drank the contents of the crystal. The silhouettes I remembered that floated from it in my kitchen and dream made me want to wretch. Did I consume the soul of Faerie? I felt no different. I thought I would get some sort of side effects but then again things are different here, almost backwards.

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