Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Just want to say hello and thank you for reading, voting, commenting and adding Faerie to your reading lists. It means a lot to me and you guys are the reason I keep on with this story, so keep them coming in. I also want to say that my twitter account has changed and if you would like to follow me it's now @Jennitomalin or on instagram jenniofwonderland 

Chapter Eleven

"The poison will wear off in no time."

"But she has been asleep for three days!"

"Patience is a virtue young Prince. She is lucky to have noble blood. Any other Faerie would have died instantly...She will survive; her body is merely mending itself."

"How long. Roughly?"

"It's hard to say. I've never come across a Faerie Noble who has gotten themselves poisoned. They're usually excellent fighters, powerful seers. However, I have given her some herb-filled water and rubbed lotion into her wounds. That normally speeds up recovery."

"If she is a noble like you say. How come she doesn't know how to protect herself? It should come naturally, instinctively."

"Ah. That is the point I'm making young prince. Only nobles can survive a poison as deadly as a Manticores."


I stirred at the sweet smell of foxglove and jasmine. I awoke, lying still with my eyes closed, a state I came accustomed to. What was the point in opening my eyes, only to be greeted by darkness? I was unable to tell what time of day it was, my body had been heavy but now, it felt different. Lighter, I tried moving my injured leg, bending it at the knee. It moved instantly and the relief of my muscle working was bliss and there was no pain at all.

I had felt like a corpse and at times I was frustrated. I moved my other leg which reacted just as fast. I exhaled joyfully; I was no longer stiff and numb. I was no longer a mannequin.

Slowly and carefully I opened an eye. My vision blurred and focused on a wooden slat ceiling. Fireflies clung hopefully on to green vines that swirled and looped around the wood beams, before spiralling down the oak pillars that held up the roof. I watched the fireflies dance from one vine to the other, each one a different colour. I blinked and turned my head, my neck giving out a loud crack as if I was a stone statue coming to life, I winced before taking in the small room.

A wood burner in the corner was lit, giving a lovely warmth throughout. The walls were the same as the ceiling wooden slats and beams. Beautiful animal skin hung like panels on three walls. One wall was dedicated to rows of shelves. I sat up to get a better view at the items in the glass jars. Herbs, flowers, and other things I didn't know what inside.

Swivelling my legs over the side of the bed, I realised was made out of a tree trunk, cut and shaped into a large cot. I was draped in soft, tranquil white bear skin and my pillows felt like wild rabbit fur. I thought I would give standing ago, it took me three attempts. The first time I became dizzy and quickly sat down, afraid I would topple over. The second time I just bounced on the bed, trying to lift myself up. By the third, I made it. My legs didn't feel like my own, I felt a little bit taller. My body felt thinner, toned and stronger. I stood staring at my surroundings.

I could hear the buzz of the fireflies, they seemed happy I was awake as some came swooping down to look at me with their large bug like eyes, before zooming off. That was another thing I could hear again and I could hear whispering in another room. It sounded like Mac, but who was he talking to and where exactly were we?

I hovered close to the closed door, pressing my ear to it. My hearing was still slightly muffled but, I could just make out the conversation. They were talking about me I gathered, unless women get themselves poisoned by a Manticore on a regular basis, which I can believe.

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