Chapter Seven

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A/N: Another week, another chapter for you. Hello to all the new readers and thank you to those who have voted and commented with your helpful thoughts. They really do mean a lot to me.

Now, I feel like my story is getting somewhere and moving along nicely. I don't know how well rounded my characters are, do they make sense? How can I make them more believable?

Your help is greatly appreciated. :)

Chapter Seven

It was difficult to sleep that night. Curled up beside a rock and nothing but disgusting moss and dead vines to keep me warm, I listened to the sound of Mac snoring and decided to give up on sleep all together.

I gazed up at the limestone ceiling of the cave and wondered when I would return home. I hadn't been in Faerie for a day and already I wanted to leave. All of this was just staggering and hard to believe. I shifted on the hard floor, hoping that if I did, I would wake up in my own bed and everything was all a dream. No crystal, no strange creatures. No Mac. My heart faltered but I ignored it.

I turned over to face the entrance. I could see Macs form resting up against the curved mouth of the cave; his snoring echoed making it sound like there was a bear sleeping here.

It was dark and I guessed the time could be around midnight. The small globe of green light must of gone out some time ago. I sighed quietly, wondering if time here was the same back home. Did Faerie even have time? I remembered reading once, about how time was much different in the faerie realm than in the mortal realm. One day in Faerie could be six months at home. I hoped it wasn't true; otherwise I'd go home with no job and probably no home with a mountain of debt to pay. I pushed that horrifying thought to the back of my mind.

I was lying on my side, pondering the possibilities of time difference, when a faint violet glow just outside the cave caught my attention. It was small, no bigger than a golf ball. It was dense and floated just above the ground. I stared at it for a few seconds, hovering at the entrance. What was it? Sitting up, I blinked at it and it twinkled a little. Curiosity got the better of me and before I knew it, I was standing and heading towards the light. Being drawn to its lavender hue, I got closer but as I did it floated further out. It wanted me to follow it.

Quietly, I tip toed past Mac, careful not to wake him as I gazed at the tiny flickering ball of light. I was just about to go further, when I felt something grab hold of my wrist and yank me back, sharply. I gasped and spun around.

"You must never follow it..." Mac said in a stern voice, expression emotionless. "Never go off alone. Understand? This world is very different to yours." The look on his face was hard and serious. I nodded and he let go.

"What was that?" I asked, looking back to where the violet ball of light was floating. It had gone now.

"A Hobby Lantern" He noticed the confused expression I gave and he rolled his eyes.

"Also known as Will-o'-The-Wisp. They think it's fun to lead travellers astray and get them lost, taking great delight in watching the traveller go mad or get eaten by a creature."


"Yes, oh..., a word of advice, Sophia. Think that everything here is out to get you, then you will be sure to survive this place."

With that said, he stretched his arms high above his head. His hoodie rose up and I glimpsed a bit of his toned stomach. "We better go. That fairy knows we're here and might go and spread the news." He added with a mock grin.

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