Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

The Manticore was as large as a lion. His hair was as red as a fox, and his face was that of a human man. However, it didn't speak. Instead he opened his mouth and roared so loud, I felt it vibrate through my body. My eyes bulged at the three rows of sharp teeth that sat neatly inside its mouth. I coward as it eyed be favourably, Its dark eyes glistening with mirth.

"Look out!" Mac shouted, pushing me aside just as the Manticore's giant, scorpion like tail came bashing down on the spot where I was standing. Mac took a swipe at the tail with his sword, nipping it. The creature growled, curling its tail behind itself before crouching to the floor, ready to pounce.

Griping the dagger tight in my hand I stood facing the creature. "I don't think a dagger is going to do much." I sounded, panic rising.

"Go then. I can handle this." Mac raised his voice, waiting for the Manticore to pounce.

"I can't leave you here to fight it alone." I argued, pointing my blade in the direction of the beast.

Mac didn't look at me and the thing growled before leaping into the air. I shrieked and coward. Mac had already launched himself and was now thrusting his sword in its side. The beast gave an angry bellow as the sword sunk in deep. However, it wasn't enough. Mac pulled away, spinning round instantly, already it stance.

The Manticore reared up, tail thrashing around. His teeth were showing in a sneer and its eyes narrowed before pouncing again. Mac swirled the sword around, slashing it across its front leg. Blood flowed out down to its paw and onto the cobble stones. It licked the wound once before lashing out with both paws, trying to box Mac. Like an angry bear


Afraid, I walked slowly away. I couldn't fight, I had no knowledge of how to use a dagger. I would probably end up cutting myself. I turned and was ready to run down the narrow path when an almighty roar broke out and I felt a gush of wind over head.

"Meghan, run!" Mac screamed. But, before I knew it the beast had leaped over and blocked me. I stumbled, almost crashing into it. My breath hitched in my throat as I fell onto my backside.

Mac was beside me in seconds but it was too late. My eyes widened as I watched its barbed tail came thrashing down onto me. I tried scooting out of the way but it wasn't enough. Pain soared into my right calf and I cried out in pain. Looking down, the sharp point of the tail was wedged into my leg and the Manticore was trying tugging it free, dragging me along in the process.

Mac gave a warrior cry and slashed through the tail. The Manticore flinched backward in shock, whimpering at the loss of half his tail. It gave Mac an advantage point and he went forward sword poised, stabbing at the creature with all his energy.

My leg began to burn and wondered if the beasts' tail was really like a scorpions, poisonous. I ignored the pain stretching down my leg and up towards my hips, I stood, hobbling over towards the wall, best to get out of the way. I still had the dagger in my hand, having no place to put it.

Making it to the wall, I leaned against it for support. My leg had gone numb. I pulled up my skirts, which now was soaked in blood. My leg was caked in it, and a large, open gash on my calf was prominent. I winced and gagged from how bad it looked.

Just then a terrifying scream broke out. It was something crossed between a howl and cry. My head snapped up thinking Mac was hurt. But, instead it was the creature. Lying helpless on the ground in a pool of his own blood, black eyes rolling back into its head. Mac was standing in front of it, sword covered in blood as well as him. I watched as he stood there staring at the beast that attacked us, suddenly aware that the numbness was spreading up my body. I slid to the ground, no longer able to hold myself up. The dagger fell from my hands, clanking against the hard stone.

I watched Mac drop his sword and turn to look at me. Triumph vanished from his face, replacing with a look of shock, he didn't seem to care that he had just killed a legendary creature. The look of worry was solid as he crossed over to where I sat, crumpled to the floor. My focus started to waver, everything blurring and then refocusing. I could just about make out his swampy green eyes, searching mine. I couldn't feel his hands, examining my leg. I could just about hear him calling to me. It sounded like he was far away and I had to lean in close to hear him. Soon my eyelids became heavy and I felt sleepy. Was this it? Was I dying?

"Mac?" I whispered, drowsily. I could no longer hear anything.

Then my vision blurred before going black, I felt like I was still conscious. Had I gone blind?

Silence and darkness surrounded me. I could feel myself begin to panic and I could feel Mac take me by the shoulders and shake me, forcefully. Before I knew it, I felt myself being lifted up.

Everything felt strange. I wasn't sure if I was alive or dead. Maybe this was the side effects of the poison. I sensed we had been walking for a while and I imagined Mac walking around the maze with me thrown over one shoulder. I could feel him stop dead for a short while, perhaps pondering on which way to go, which path to follow. I had relaxed, eventually at the thought of this.

Suddenly, I felt myself being lowered down and placed gently on something soft and springy. I guessed we had stopped for the night. I could say something but I wouldn't get an answer, or If I did I wouldn't be able to hear it. I sighed heavily and then I felt something soft, like a feather, brush my arm. I jumped, feeling goosebumps. I felt it again on my arm and I shivered. It tickled and I thought of a dogs or cats fluffy tale. Then it stopped and nothing happened. I was alone; I could feel it, sense it. I chose this time to rest, let myself fall asleep and to forget.

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