Purpose Tour

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Author's Note:
Okay so, I just want to apologize for not updating for awhile! I've been in California visiting my dad, so I've just been busy, busy, busy! But here's the next chapter, YAY! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING AND VOTING. It makes me so so so happy! Next chapter will be up before you know it. Enjoy!

March 20th, 2016

The night had finally come, and it was time to head out to Justin's concert. I was on my way with Advik driving Boone and I to the Staples Center. I had offered Boone the day off since it really wasn't necessary for him to come, but he suggested it'd be a good idea since I was entering the arena alone.

I wasn't doing to lie. I was nervous. I wiped the sweat off of my palms onto black, leather pants and took a deep breath.

I hadn't seen Justin since his birthday party, and even there, we didn't speak much. So technically, this was our first time really getting together.

"Holy shit, it's crazy out here, Miss Faye." Advik whistled as he pulled into the front of the arena.

I looked out the window, and people were piling into the building. There was no way I would get in without being recognized.

"What should we do?" I asked, biting my nail.

"Try going around to the back and see if there's a way in there." Boone told Advik, directing him the way.

I dialed Justin's number to ask if there was another way in, and anxiously waited for an answer, but he didn't pick up. I assumed he was getting ready for the show and was too busy to speak.

When we pulled up to the back, I saw a few familiar faces leaning against a black SUV, waiting outside.

"There you go, you can probably get in with them." Advik said.

Leaning against the vehicle was Hailey Baldwin, Kylie Jenner, Jaden Smith, and Harry Hudson.

I didn't talk much to any of them. Kylie was the only one I had really associated with here and there, but we weren't close or anything.

As Advik came to a stop, they all stared in confusion as I got out of the car. I told Boone and Advik that it was okay to go and that I could take care of myself.

"Oh, it's Vivian." Kylie laughed, as she walked towards me to give a welcoming hug. "I didn't know you were going to be here tonight."

"Yeah, I didn't either to be honest. It was a last minute decision." I nervously laughed, running my fingers through my hair. "Hey guys, I'm Vivian by the way." I shyly waved to the others.

"Yeah, we know who you are." Jaden smiled. Harry and him snickered.

"We're just waiting for Scooter to clear out the aisle we'll be sitting in, and then we can go in." Hailey informed me. She was smacking on a piece of gum, blowing a bubble every once in awhile.

"Yeah, we've been waiting out here for like, ever." Kylie rolled her huge, doll eyes.

Hailey and Kylie were two of the most prettiest girls I have ever laid eyes on.

Kylie had very minimal makeup and was wearing sweats and a crew neck, and still looked gorgeous as ever.

Hailey had her hair in two adorable French-braided pigtails, and had a perfectly chiseled out face that just screamed out "model".

I wondered if her and Justin had a fling together at all? Not that it was any of my business.

I awkwardly sat in silence as the group of friends had their own little conversations with each other.

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