Movie Night Gone Wrong

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Author's Note:
If you don't like stories where things get hot and heavy, I would suggest you not read Dating Rumors! This is your warning! There will be chapters that will be explicit! I'm just saying. If ya can't handle the heat, then leave! Haha, but thank you for reading! Enjoy!

Justin's POV

Things got a little too hectic, so Vivian and I decided just to come back to my place. Since we were just going out to see a movie, we decided that we could just do it here if we really wanted to.

We were both in the kitchen. I was leaning against the counter, eating a couple of almonds out the palm of my hand while she sat at the table, talking on the phone with Rowen.

"I knew you had something to do with this. I just knew it." She was saying.

I ended up telling Vivian that Rowen had suggested that I'd take her out, but I had plan to do it on my own anyway. I just didn't think there would be that many paps.

"I told you, Rowen, if I were to start dating anyone, it wouldn't be for that reason." Vivian groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose out of frustration.

Managers like Rowen were a pain in the ass at times. They don't want to put you in the spotlight, they push you in the spotlight, and it can be overwhelming sometimes.

"For the last time, Ro! I can take care of myself." She then hung up without another word.

I wiped my hands on the side of jeans as I ate the last almond. "Everything okay?"

Vivian got up and sighed. "Yeah, it's just..." She shook her head. "I'm really sorry about this. I don't want you to think that I'm using you or anything like that-"

I frowned and shook my head. "Nah, nah I don't think that at all." I chuckled. "I'm the one who asked you out. Remember?"

She took a big whiff and laughed. "I can already smell the hate coming through Instagram and Twitter."

I chuckled and leaned myself against the island in my kitchen as she stood on the other side. "What makes you say that?"

"I know fans will make it seem that I am using-"

I groaned, and rubbed my forehead. "Vivian! I'm not going to think that!" I laughed.

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "I know, I know, I'm sorry." She said making her way towards my living room. "Let's go watch that movie that I've been waiting all day for."

As she walked out of the kitchen, I couldn't help but stare at her ass. I bit my lip. Damn, she was fit. She was definitely going to look good on the runways.


I handed Vivian the remote and told her to choose any movie she wanted to watch tonight. I was in the kitchen heating up some popcorn.

"I hope you're putting extra butter on it!" She yelled so I could hear her.

I laughed. "You got it!" I hollered back. I took the popcorn out of the microwave and heated up a little bit of butter to pour over it.

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