Chapter 5: Third-Wheeling

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


Dawud's P.O.V

I strolled into the burger joint. Immediately, I found Abdallah and Mariam in the farthest booth. They were giggling about something. Just watching them made me feel shy. I sure hope tonight won't make me feel like a third-wheel. I walked towards the booth and watched their faces light up with happiness when they saw me. These two were the most genuine people I've ever met in my life. May Allah preserve them.

"Assalamu'Alaykum Dawud! Alhamdullilah, you made it!" Abdallah cheered as we greeted each other. Mariam and I shared a smile.

"Wa Alaykum As Salam." We ordered our drinks and starters. While waiting, Abdallah and Mariam suggested some of the girls they had come up with. I knew a lot of them from high school and university. Every woman they suggested didn't seem right to me. I didn't want to reject any one of them because I didn't know them well enough to do so, but then again, none of them made me blush like Jannah did. "What about Jannah?" I asked Abdallah. Immediately, he looked at his wife. I followed his eyes to an uncomfortable and bothered Mariam.

"Jannah, my sister? The one you met at the mosque today?" She questioned. I watched her posture change from slouched to upright.

Jannah was her sister? They looked nothing alike! "I met her at my bookstore earlier this week." I told her. It seemed as though she was defensive over Jannah and I completely understood that. I cleared my throat and continued. "She has very good traits and she's very modest and kind." I added.

Mariam sighed and then took a sip of her milkshake. "Dawud, something you have to know is that when Jannah was young, our parents divorced. It was a disgusting thing to watch. It was like chaos on replay, every single day. She didn't know which parent she was allowed to love because both of them failed to properly love her. She grew up under my supervision and rules most of the time, Alhamdullilah. She's like.. I don't know how you put it. I don't want to say 'my child', but I raised her. I really did. I know her like the back of my hand and I can tell you right here and now that she's not ready for any type of romantic relationship." Mariam said.

Abdallah shook his head. "Mariam, May Allah forgive you! Just today you told Jannah that you're hoping someone comes into her life to make 'her childish butt mature', yet you're saying that she's not ready? I love you, I really do but you can't decide this for her, only Allah can. You can't put a wall between Jannah and her decisions because you think she's not 'ready'. That's not for you to decide, hayati (My life). Marriage is a wonderful thing and you don't have the right to stop a great man like Dawud from pursuing your sister." He told her softly, now turning to me. "I can't say I've known Jannah for long. I've only known her for three years but I've noticed that she's lonely. Marriage would be so good for her."

To my surprise, Mariam nodded and then nodded once more, taking a sip of her drink. "You're right. Subhan'Allah, I needed that wake-up call. Jannah's a grown woman. I can't make her decisions anymore." She said to herself.

Our starters arrived. I laughed along with Abdallah as he told Mariam about our high school shenanigans before he left the school. He was older than I was, so he graduated a year before I did. Because we were so close, we still tried to see each other as much as possible. When our meals arrived, I ate in silence, watching Abdallah speak to his wife with such delicacy and kindness. It was so beautiful. I wish for the chance to speak to my wife in such a manner, Insha'Allah.

"Hey, Dawud." Mariam smiled at me. "Shall I tell you about my sister?" I blushed and nodded. "She's a cool girl. She really is." She told me.

Abdallah nodded in agreement. "A lot cooler than her sister." He whispered, blocking his mouth from his wife. Mariam shook her head smiling.

"Jannah's a lot of things that don't make sense once you put them together, but they're great nonetheless. Like, she's very confident and self-aware. She's also incredibly shy and bashful." Mariam paused to think before continuing. "She's very composed and experienced but she can be very clueless and silly, you know? She's easily excited and she's very dramatic too. She's also very delicate, dainty, fragile and extremely sensitive which is why I'm so defensive." Mariam said frowning. She sat upright once again.

It seemed like I had gotten her uncomfortable all over again. I looked at Abdallah awkwardly. He caught my eye and smiled. "Jannah is very funny. She has a keen wit and is extremely intelligent. She has a hard time letting go of certain individuals but that's only because her heart is so big and she's so affectionate. After giving her heart away so many times and having it thrown right back at her, she's taught herself to find absolute and complete love in her creator. If you find love in Allah as well, maybe you two could meet in the middle." He said, beaming.

I was beaming too. I couldn't stop myself from falling for Jannah even more after hearing all of this good stuff said about her. I was a pretty boring guy and she just seemed so lively and entertaining. She wasn't perfect but she was perfect for me. I've already had contact with her father a few years back and I'm very good friends with her brother-in-law and sister. What was I waiting for? Maybe, the second she knows how I feel she'll want to get to know me better! I felt my smile fade away as I remembered how bothered and agitated she seemed at the mosque today. Was it because of me? I couldn't ignore the sense of worry. "Hey, Mariam? Jannah seemed really bothered at the mosque today. Do you know why?" I asked her carefully. To my surprise, she didn't seem to be bothered by my interest in her sister anymore, Alhamdullilah.

She shook her head thoughtfully. "Should I call her?" Mariam asked me, pulling out her phone. I nodded. Wait- Why did I just nod? It's over for me! Now I know that my life is- "Hey, Jannah! Why didn't you tell us that you met Dawud before? He's just asked me to call you to check if you're okay. Apparently, you looked really bothered at the mosque today." She said comfortably. She was speaking to her sister after all.

Her cheek pressed against the speaker button, causing everyone to hear Jannah gasping in shock. "What do you mean? Is he there with you? He asked you to call me?" Jannah whispered frantically. Mariam struggled to turn off the speaker and muttered something about her screen acting up again. "Oh, my god! He's worried about me! Wait, why are you with him? Why aren't you answering me, Mariam?" Jannah asked desperately.

"You're on speaker!" Mariam spat back, still trying to quiet her sister down. Abdallah and I watched the two in surprise. "Just be quiet, Jannah! Please! Shh! Stop embarrassing yourself!" She begged her younger sister. Jannah hung up the phone, causing Mariam to sigh in relief. Just as quickly, Mariam jumped at the sight of my smile. "You didn't hear any of that, did you?"

Chapter 6 —>

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