Chapter 38: University Problems

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  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful  

Jannah's P.O.V

Dawud leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I blushed, looking down to fiddle with my hands. "Assalamu'alaykum." He said in my ear. I looked to my side to see Warsan and Muna falling against one another in absolute admiration.

"Wa Alaykum Salam, Dawud." I responded, fighting back a smile. He chuckled and left my side. Akhlaaq, who was now growing a thicker beard than the last time I saw him, grinned obnoxiously at us. When Dawud was next to him, Akhlaaq wrapped his arm around his neck jokingly and the two of them disappeared around the corner.

In less than three seconds, my two best friends were at my side, eyes brimming with tears. "Jannah, you're married." Warsan blurted, pulling me in for a hug.

"You were at my wedding!" I reminded, pulling away from her tight embrace.

"Still! Mabrook, Mabrook, Mabrook (Congratulations)!" Muna cheered, clapping her hands. I giggled, hiding my face. "He's a prince." She added, sighing.

I nodded in agreement. "His manners, his beauty, and his voice. I'm so in love." I told them. We chatted for a few more minutes about my weekend with Dawud.

"Warsan told me about Rahman. I'm still in shock." Muna whispered, looking around before continuing. "I swear, I want to beat him up. He's so—"

I clicked my tongue, scolding her. "No backbiting. He is what he is. It can't be helped." I said, getting lost in the anger I was trying to repress so desperately.

"You're right. Plus, you don't have time to worry about him. Exams are right around the corner." Muna added.

"Exactly! I just want to enjoy the rest of April before our second year of university is over."

The two of them proceeded to tell me about their summer plans. The semester would be over in a week.

Muna planned on taking a few summer courses across the city and Warsan was going to volunteer at the city's Research Center. "What are you planning on doing this summer break?" Muna asked me.

I shrugged. "I still don't know. Travel? Study? Work?" We talked for a bit longer before getting to our classes.


Dawud's P.O.V

Akhlaaq turned red with excitement like he always did. I couldn't stop myself from laughing as he gripped the collar of my thobe and demanded answers. "What's it like?" He asked. "Do you have to lift the toilet seat up all the time now?" He pressed. "Did you guys goof around-"

I stopped him with a light punch in the chest. "Not cool, bro." I defended, feeling over-protective. After what happened with Rahman, I couldn't stand the thought of any guy thinking of Jannah that way. I understood that she was so pretty and so nice to look at. It'd be hard for a guy not to fall for her. But still. I was her husband. Not these guys.

Akhlaaq raised his hands up in defeat. "My bad, bro. Didn't mean to cross the line. But, c'mon! You know how it is. It's a tough life being a virgin" He said with a smirk. I pushed him hard now, biting my tongue.

"Are you actually trying to talk to me about that?" I glared at him.

He froze. "Dawud, I was kidding bro... I'm sorry." He sputtered, studying me closely.

My breathing grew heavy. Holding myself back, I said what I needed to. "The relationship I have with her isn't any of your business. Speak about us with honour or don't speak about us at all." I spat. Akhlaaq nodded his head and watched me cautiously.
I walked to class, suppressing my anger by seeking refuge in Allah (swt) from the accursed satan.

Jannah's P.O.V

After class, I waited for Dawud in the cafeteria. His close friend Akhlaaq walked in and spotted me sitting next to the door. "‎Salam." I greeted him. It made me happy seeing him. He must be a lot like Dawud since they've been friends for so long. I frowned when he looked away from me. He didn't even greet me back. His eyes focused on a spot on the floor as he waited in the cafeteria line for food. Just then, I received a text message from Dawud.

Habibti, where ya at? He wrote.

I'm sitting next to the entrance doors in the cafeteria! I replied back.

It wasn't long until he strolled in as handsome as ever. He rocked a matte black thobe and a black Nike cap. I loved it when he wore thobes. He looked so handsome. I waved my hand in the air and smiled once he found me. He jogged towards me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. Immediately, a chorus of 'Ahh's filled our ears. I turned my head back to find Muna, Warsan and a few of my other friends hiding their faces behind notebooks indiscreetly. They sat a few tables away. Dawud laughed and sat down across from me, shaking his head.

"‎Assalamu'Alaykum ladies." He said, waving at them. They blushed, disappearing behind the books in their hands. "I feel like a celebrity." He whispered, pulling a water bottle out of his backpack.

"Yeah, me too. It's like getting married strips you of being normal like everyone else."

Dawud looked at me through his eyelashes giving me chills. "Do people drool over you in the halls?" He asked me with a charming smirk. "Apart from me, of course."

I threw my head back in laughter. "There's this one guy.." I started. Dawud immediately took his eyes off the salad in his hand and looked at me. He insisted that I tell him. "Fine, fine. Don't get jealous." I teased. Dawud leaned forward attentively, assuring me he wouldn't. "Because you know him really well." Dawud's eyes immediately focused on Akhlaaq in the cafeteria line. With an angry huff, he pushed out his chair. I gasped. "I was talking about you, Dawud! Not him."

Dawud blinked a few times, looking at me with a confused expression. "Huh?"

"I was talking about you!" I panicked, leaning forward and grabbing his hand. "Just playing around." I added softly. Dawud bit his lip and inhaled deeply. I looked around to see everyone occupied with their own matters, not minding Dawud and I any longer. I was glad no one had seen his outburst. "I'm sorry."

Dawud shook his head, pulling another container of salad from his bag. He slid it to me with a half-smile that broke my heart. I knew he felt bad. He hated showing me this side of him—it was written on his face. "I'm sorry. After the incident with Rahman, I've been all over the place." He admitted as he shrugged his shoulders. I opened the container and took the fork from Dawud's hand.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you would take my joke so seriously." I admitted. Dawud pressed his lips in a thin line to stop himself from laughing however it was to no avail. He erupted with cackles and so did I. His head was thrown backward and I covered my mouth full of salad with my hand. I was relieved and happy that we could laugh about it. My heart swelled up as his eyes grew with tears from laughing. I smiled at him then, observing the way his face lit up when he laughed.

At the mosque that late-afternoon, Dawud kissed my hand. "Are we going home after this?" He asked me next to the men's side entrance. I winced.

"Could we make a quick stop at my mother's house? I need to grab something from my old room." I asked him. Dawud nodded immediately.

"Yeah, I miss your mom." He replied. I gave him a strange look. "She's very entertaining. I've visited her a few times without you knowing." He admitted, scratching the back of his neck. I laughed in disbelief. "I'll see you after the prayer."

"‎Salam! I said. I walked in through the women's section of the prayer room and found my friends sitting by the wall, silently doing thikr. I sat next to them, waiting for the prayer to start.

A beautiful and deep voice called out the Athan, and I immediately recognized it as my husband's. Just the tune itself could bring you to tears.

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

It was then that I realized I've been given a gift. It was named Dawud.

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