Chapter 27: Saying Bye to Dad

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

ASSALAMU'ALAYKUM! It's Sumaya here! I just wanted to thank you guys once again. Subhan'Allah, your support/votes/comments mean so much to me. I adore writing and I'm glad you guys love my writing. Shout-out to my readers in Australia, India, Zambia, Sudan, Nigeria, United Kingdom, America, and Canada! I see you ;) If I haven't mentioned your country, comment here and tell me where you're from. My message box is empty and I'd love nothing more than to talk to you.

- Sumaya xx

Jannah's P.O.V

It was the evening before my Nikkah. I leaned against my father's counter and blinked my eyes. "Thank you so much." I spoke into the cell phone.

My dad was at the stove, working away at the adhesive omelet that refused to slide off of the non-stick pan. I advised my father, more times than I can remember, not to fall victim to those late night infomercials.

Dawud laughed. His melodic voice filled the kitchen with peace, setting my uneasy heart at ease. "That was your thirteenth time thanking me. Stop it, Jannah."

I yawned. "You've booked the hall, you've arranged the venue and you've decorated the place, Dawud. Thank you."

There was a stillness.

"Are you tired?" He inquired. There was a hint of amusement in his voice. "I can tell you're drained." Dawud added.

I nodded, although he couldn't see me. "I'm tired, nervous and very anxious. Tomorrow, Insha'Allah, we'll be married."

Dawud sighed. "Alhamdullilah."

"Alhamdullilah." I repeated. There was another silence. Every blink felt heavier and heavier. All of the studying and stressing I had done for university during the past week was felt through my eyes. They stung the longer I kept them open and they rocked me to sleep when they were shut.

"You should go to sleep, Jannah. I'll see you tomorrow, Insha'Allah." He said excitedly. I could hear the smile in his words.

"Salamu'Alaykum, Dawud." I replied lazily. My words were heavy on my tongue and dragged on as I spoke. He replied back and I hung up.


The next morning, I was awoken by the stroke of a meaty and warm hand. It caressed my temple softly, waking me from my sleep.

Jannah, my daughter...
Jannah, my baby...
Jannah, you're getting married.
I love you, I do!
I love you, I do!
Please don't forget about me...

My father sang with a smile. I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to see the sorrow in his eyes. Instead, I took ahold of his hand and kissed it. After today, my well-being was in the hands of Dawud and not my father. This simple fact had triggered tears in my eyes. They dropped down from my cheeks like heavy, swelled up raindrops falling off a wet leaf.

My father was quiet. His strong arms lifted me from my bed and into his lap. His familiar scent danced around in my nostrils, taking me back to when I was a child... before he left my family and me. "I haven't done you much good," he blurted, "I've been a terrible father."

I stretched my neck out to see his face but stopped halfway. Curiosity overcame the feeling of comforting and so I lowered my gaze to where my hands rested in my lap. I wanted to hear what he was going to say.

"Your mother and I are like fire and water. I love her, though. I always will."

My eyes widened with astonishment. I had never heard my father say he loved my mother apart from when I was a child.

"I gave her two beautiful daughters and left her to take care of them alone. That was my first mistake. I moved to the other side of the country and showed you and Mariam love through cheques and week-long visits. That was my second mistake. I had never asked you how you felt about me when we chatted on the phone. That was my third mistake. I let your heart grow cold towards me because I assumed it was just a phase. That was my fourth mistake. Lastly, I strolled into your life as if everything was fine. That was my fifth mistake."

My breathing was still. I didn't want to miss a word.

"I ask for your forgiveness. I've changed and I hope you can find it in your heart to look over my mistakes and love me as your father, because I love you so much."

I was at a loss for words. It was a strange thing to have your parents ask for your forgiveness. I found it amazing how humble such a simple act was but all I could manage to choke out was "I forgive you."

It was silent for another moment.

"Now, please don't make today another one of my mistakes. I'm giving your hand away to Dawud because I can see his character. Please, be patient and loving to him. Yes, you're a queen, but he is also a king so treat him with kindness and admiration." My father advised me. "Trust me, men hate it when there's another man in the house. Don't be demanding and authoritative. Rather, be gentle and sincere. This way, you'll be able to wring whatever you want out of him." He joked. I laughed against his chest.

"I love you, dad."

"I love you more, Jannah. With God as my witness, I love you more."

Later that morning, I hauled my black suitcase down the foyer, next to the door. I couldn't help but notice the torn up box filled with crushed and scratched books just a meter away. Due to my busy schedule, I had never gotten the chance to read them. I hoped to bring them with me later in the day.

My father called me into the kitchen and frowned when I strolled in. "Why are you still in your pajamas?" He scolded.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. My father widened his eyes at my attitude and I quickly apologized. "I'm sorry but I've told you so many times today, Dad. All of my stuff is at mom's house."

"The dress?" He questioned.

"Yes, the dress."

"The shoes?"

"Yes, the shoes."

"The jewelry?"

"Yes, the jewelry."

"Are you sure you want to get married today?"

I chuckled. "Yes, I'm sure."

"How about we push it to the summer break?" He insisted. I watched as reality finally hit him.

"Dad. I'm getting married today, Insha'Allah."

My father grabbed his head, leaving the kitchen and returning. He did this several times before I yanked him by the arm and pulled him close. We stayed like this for a while. "You're getting married. My baby is getting married." He whispered against my hair.

I giggled, fighting the lump in my throat. "Yeah, I am." I said with a shaky voice.

Chapter Twenty-Eight ->

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