Chapter 32: The Start

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Jannah's P.O.V

I hauled my entire luggage into the washroom and set it down on the floor next to the toilet. I unraveled my hijab and folded it as neatly as I could. When I looked up in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel pleased with my reflection. My hair, which was naturally curly, was straightened and much longer. I removed the tie that held my hair in a bun and beamed when my brown locks poured over my body, ending at my middle.

I wanted to take a shower and that meant that I'd have to cover my hair with something. I looked around the washroom desperately in search for a shower cap and was pleased to find one in the bottom cabinet, under the marble counter attached to the sink. I don't know why, but I chuckled. The image of Dawud in the shower with this bright pink shower cap on made me blush.

I took a shower, making sure to shave, cleanse and exfoliate everything. When I was finished, I pulled out the light pink bathrobe my mother had bought for me last week and slipped it on, securing it tightly around my waist. I brushed my teeth, did my wudu and rubbed my favourite and best-smelling lotion all over my body. I heard the jingle of keys as the front door opened and so I frantically placed all of my belongings back in my suitcase. I stupidly decided to put some makeup on and spent another twenty minutes beautifying myself. I could catch Dawud humming through the washroom door as he walked around the house, doing God knows what. I finished the look with a bit of rosy lipstick and slipped on my pyjama shorts and t-shirt.
I opened the washroom door and dragged my suitcase into the main bedroom where I'd be sleeping from now on, Insha'Allah. From what I could hear and smell, Dawud was in the kitchen, cooking something yummy. I set my luggage next to my three other ones and laughed. They took up a lot of space.

The bedroom was nice. It was painted dark brown and had mahogany floorboards. I slid a hand against the brown bed frame. It was large with pillars that stuck out. A sheer curtain hung from these pillars. My cheeks grew hot as I fanned my face. 

"Jannah?" Dawud called from the kitchen. I jumped, adjusting my hair.

"Coming!" I returned, rubbing the front of my teeth to prevent lipstick stains. I walked towards him. He didn't see me until I turned around the corner, entering the actual kitchen.

Dawud's P.O.V

I called out for Jannah nervously. She had been in the washroom, getting ready I suppose, for tonight. I didn't really know what the plan was. All I knew was that I was starving. For food, of course.  

I stirred the Alfredo Pasta below me and trembled as she told me that she was coming. I heard her footsteps approach but refused to look up from what I was cooking. Once she was standing a distance away from me, I moved the pasta from the stove top and slipped off my apron.

"What are you cooking?" She asked me. I could smell her from where I stood. She smelt of delicious french vanilla. I still hadn't laid my eyes on her. I wasn't ready. "Dawud?" She called my name softly.

I looked down at her feet. They were cute and small. Or maybe they were normal sized. They looked small compared to mine, though. It was then that I noticed her legs were bare. My eyes trailed up to meet her cute and very little shorts. They were a faded pink. Her baggy t-shirt was the same color and it looked amazing on her. The strange feeling of wanting her to wear my clothes came over me. I followed my eyes up her shirt to gawk at her beautiful hair. Long, dark brown and wavy. Her deep collarbones peeked out from the hem of her shirt and her stunning and glowing face made my stomach drop. Her brown eyes were staring at me with wonder and before I knew it, I opened my arms for her to come close.

Jannah approached me shyly, taking small steps with her eyes lowered. "Come." I said, tugging her by the end of her shirt. I wrapped my arms around her small middle and lifted her up. I squeezed her playfully and set her on the counter. She watched me through her eyelashes with a shy smile as I leaned forward, placing my hands on the counter area next to each thigh. I tilted my head forward to meet her eyes and our noses touched, sending shivers down my spine. I felt the sharp breath Jannah exhaled and closed my eyes. Even her breath smelt irresistible. I was so happy she was mine. "You're the nur (light) of my eyes." I told her breathlessly.

Jannah bit her lip and I felt weak in the knees. "You're the sultan (king) of my heart." She replied. There was a moment of silence. "That was weird since Sultan is my father's name. I should probably choose another word." She stated. I watched her admiringly as she laughed and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Jannah." I said.

She looked up at me and I observed the fading of her smile. It was replaced by a confused smirk.

"Jannah." I repeated, leaning forward. She gasped as I kissed the corner of her mouth. I laughed against her but she stayed perfectly still.

Jannah's P.O.V

He kissed me. He kissed me and I felt every single inch of my body set on fire. It was my first, halal, kiss and I couldn't be happier.

Dawud pulled away and stared at me wordlessly. His long locks created a shadow along the outline of his face. His large lips pulled into an adorable closed-tooth smile. It felt like the first time I laid eyes on him. The distinctly curved bridge of his nose was still covered in light freckles with piercing green eyes and lush eyelashes to match. He was straight out of every girl's dream.

"I love you." I told him, pulling the collar of his shirt and bringing him closer. He smelt good.

"I love you too." He said in my ear.

Dawud.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ