Chapter 4: Forget me not✔️

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That one word has solidified my resolve and now I am Waiting.

A tedious process, but a needed one nonetheless.

We've pulled farther away from the forests edge, but once we round the next bend I will be off like a lightning bolt crackling across the sky.

The carriage driver is an unknown man to me, but I can feel that I contain an abundance of power that is much more than he could ever wish to possess.

I wonder if there is a trap awaiting me? I wonder if Cyran is waiting on me to make a choice. I wonder if he has my every move figured out before I even play my cards.

My bow and arrows are tucked safely in the forest. I couldn't risk losing them during my escape, so I have a knife tucked away instead.

We pass a few people along the way and the forest is nearing rather quickly. I grasp my bag tightly, a white knuckled grip.

I see the dip in the road, my chance,
and I know for an absolute fact what will transpire in the next few moments.

The coach driver will hit the ditch. He will then go on to check the wheels and I will be gone before he has a chance to check on me.

And he does, except I'm in the forest before he can acknowledge that I have gone missing.

Moving in a dress this abhorrent isn't an easy task and I can't go traipsing through the forest in a dress this stiff. I won't be able to protect myself and there is no camouflaging this monstrosity.

I don't stop until I make it to the hollow tree. I don't let my fear hinder me.

My fingers reach into the crack, grasping and grasping until they finally make contact. My bow and arrows are still here along with a satchel of clothes and I can't help but to sigh in relief.

The dress isn't as easy a matter. I can't unlace it myself, but my knife can and I let it tear through the fabric until I'm only in my slip. I can't bring it with me, but I also can't leave it as evidence, so into the tree it goes, along with my crown of steel.

I was smart enough to wear my boots underneath and I pair them with a dress the color of moss. It's not my favorite dress and I'm glad for this as I cut the length in a jagged move to just above my knees. It's very unladylike to show my legs, but it would only hinder me. I have to make exceptions now. This is about survival.

The access fabric is thrown into the tree, hidden from view along with the other scraps.

And I'm off.

It hasn't rained for a bit, so my feet don't sink into the ground as they had the previous day. I hope against hope that the beast is long gone.

I'm running, too afraid that they will be searching for me now, too afraid that I'm not far enough yet. I pray that my family will be safe, but if Torin told me to run, he must believe that nothing would befall upon them.

I'm fine for now, I know this part of the forest. I don't struggle, but it's starting to become unfamiliar. I'm starting to run into unmarked territory, into a place I've avoided until now. The place the beast wanted me to go, deeper into the trees, into the dark. A place where he could devour me.

I hesitate at the edge. There is no line to separate what I know and what I don't, but to me it feels as if there is an invisible wall in my path.

I clutch my knife in my hand, my gift from Aywin in one pocket the one from Dayne in the other. I haven't opened either as of yet, but I decide to now, hoping it will give me the courage to continue on, starting with Aywin.

The strings are pulled. The bag falls open in my palm.

There is a delicate silver chain and at the end rests a clear crystal ball. Little blue flowers dot the surface and swirl inside as if they are floating through water.

Forget me nots.

A reminder to always remember him, to always remember our family and the love we have for each other, but also something more. I can feel a soft thrumming as I hold it in my palm, a charm of protection.

He knew I would run and this is his gift. A charm like this isn't cheap, but our family has always been well off. This necklace will ward off any danger that I may come across. It will ward off the beast.

I can rest easy knowing I will not be stolen in my sleep.

I pocket the bag and clasp the chain around my neck with a new strength, a new bounce to my step, before heading into the unknown.

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