Chapter 22: Lessons✔️

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I wake two mornings later, Rhovan snoring in my ear and I smile at him, so serene in his sleep as he holds me close with that stifling heat he possesses.

I have yet to be the last to wake for a few weeks now, but that does not brighten my mood. I know that he is so worn out from training that he can hardly keep his eyes open at night. He drags his feet up the stairs and immediately passes out.

I let my fingers curl into his long hair. It has been a few months since we met that day in the forest, but I feel as though I have always woken up in this bed, right next to him. I suppose maybe I have, in our past lifetimes.

The snoring suddenly comes to a halt, his hand pulling mine to his lips, kissing the fleshy part of my thumb. "Ya are supposed to be the one to sleep in. Ya are the wild Imp I caught in the forest. Wild Imps have been said to sleep long into the days and drink all of their nights away." His voice is jovial, but groggy.

"Take the day off with me." I whisper, looking into his eyes with a frenzied need. I have felt it slowly creeping in on me from time to time, but I try to curb it with the soft, endearing touches he gives. He always knows when I need them the most, this being one of those times.

His fingers curl across my hip, pulling me to curl into his body. "Ya know I can't. And ya are not getting out of ya're lessons."

I groan loudly, pulling away from his alluring touch with every ounce of strength I possess. He always knows my plans, always knows what I am up to because I always forget to distract his soul, to block my thoughts and feelings from his keen awareness.

I dress in a moss green dress for the day, the same brown apron adorning my front side and Rhovan comes down the stairs in nothing but his leather trousers. I lick my lips at the sight of him, at the way his hair is pulled back and try to contain myself as he again makes fast work with my hair, intricately weaving my white blonde strands out of my face.

I almost burst with want as he combs his hands around my ears, tickling my soft spots, knowing just what I like.

"You, sir, are a tease." My voice is matter of fact as I pull from his grip.

"Not nearly as much as ya are. I like the wild look on ya. It suits ya." He says before curling his lips into a smile, his eyes twinkling as he heads out of the cabin.

When we make it to the training fields, I stop him before he says our goodbyes. "Can I do the morning blessings with you?"

My magyk has been pushing a need into me that I've never felt before since the child blessing.

"You may."

I can feel how much he's beaming on the inside, happy that I want to take part in his culture.

I start to head towards the women, but he stops me, pulling me to stand beside him instead. I have seen many of the claimed women do this, stand beside their mate for the morning blessings, but I hadn't felt welcome to do the same with my missing piece of jewelry.

A whisp of my own happiness makes its way into my chest, lighting up my heart as we face the rising sun, kneeling down and speaking words to the Gods in thanks for this day that we have yet again been allowed to witness.

Afterwards, Rhovan kisses my hand, sending me off with a smile towards what is surely going to be a day full of lessons.

I see Nyna shortly after finishing my morning meal on the balcony. Her hair is as black as night and with the shaved side, she looks like a hard woman, a woman that can defend her own. Her eyes are amber, her mouth slightly curved in a permanent smirk. If I didn't know any better, I would never think this woman would have been the one to stand up for me with such grace and kindness.

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