Chapter 25: In Sickness and in Health

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The mall is a lot darker than when we initially came in, signaling dusk's arrival. I don't know how long Ash and I have been separated from the others, but clearly no one plans on continuing to Ostford anytime soon. It makes me wonder if I'm the only reason we're going.

"How was it?" Ash's voice is low and husky and his breath is hot against the back of my neck. The two of us lie on the couch, Ash with an arm draped over my waist and his lips by my ear.

"It was..." I bite my bottom lip. "Strange. But definitely something I wouldn't mind experiencing again..." I won't add that he also lied miles back at his house...when he said he'd be the most boring person to sleep in bed with. Well, this is a little different than what he meant back then, but it's still a lie because

"Glad to hear it." He plants a kiss in the crook of my neck, sending my stomach into another round of cartwheels. "But let's wait till Ostford for round two..."

Ostford. Back to reality then, I guess?

I inhale deeply and push myself upright. He props himself up on an elbow and stares up at me. "The others haven't come looking for us. Do you think they're okay?"

"I'm sure they're fine. You wanna go hunt them down?"

In all honesty, I'd much rather lay here with Ash, his hands running through my hair and his lips whispering scandalous things in my ear...but it's a little unsettling not knowing where the others are. I nod, messy hair falling into my eyes. "Yeah. We should."

Ash gathers up his clothes and I retrieve mine from the fitting room, avoiding another curious glance in the mirror. I really do despise the absence of showers right now.

While I dress, my arms and legs are a little sore and achy—much more than before—and my stomach is still a little tight. I don't feel much different physically, but the knowledge of what Ash and I just shared gives me a new sense of purpose and wholeness. I even feel a little refreshed. The feelings fail to leave me, but I wouldn't want them to anyway. My heart still stutters as I think back to those few blissful moments. My skin still tingles where his lips touched; I wasn't lying when I told Ash I would do it all over again.

Before, I actually imagined my first time would be with Carter—honest. I didn't know how it would happen, especially since I couldn't even admit my feelings for him, but I truly thought he was the one. But things are different now.

And I don't regret a single thing.

Once I've gathered my backpack and weapons, I step out of the fitting room to find Ash with his back towards me as he pulls his shirt over his head. He throws his own backpack over his shoulder and grabs his shotgun. Then he turns to face me.

"You ready?"

I nod. "Always."

"Good." But instead of heading towards the exit, he meets my side and puts a hand to my waist. "We make a pretty good team."

Team. Ha. I fight a smile and stare up at him, brushing that lock of brown hair from his mischievous blue eyes. "On the battlefield or just behind closed doors?"

He smirks. "Both."

"Mm." I raise my chin and lean close as if I might kiss him, but pull back before our lips meet. "I would have to say the same."

We leave the little Prom store and ascend the broken down escalator. When we're back at the initial meeting spot by the food court, I scan the dim area, hesitant to call out. Ash stands partially behind me, doing the same. But before I can, I spot the duo seated at a table deep within the food court.

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