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A Letter From Carter

Life can suck pretty bad. Add zombies to the mix and you've just multiplied your problem by ten. Or twelve. Or a thousand, considering there are thousands of undead out there. But seeing that twelve was our unfortunate number here, we'll just stick to ten.

Ostford surprises me still; they accept everyone no matter what their history or loss. Scarlett's doing well here, but she also doesn't speak much. I wish I could've been there for her the past few months. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision giving myself up at the Safe House so easily. Maybe I should've fought harder. Maybe I should've had Millie write Scarlett a note. Maybe I shouldn't have given the Hazmats her name. Or maybe we should've left the Safe House when Scarlett first suggested it. She wanted to leave, but I refused. What would've happened if we had? Would she have suffered less? Would the Hazmats still have found us?

I only wanted to protect her. My plan appears to have only had the opposite effect.

No point dwelling on the past. But I just wish she would talk to me.

Derrick told me that Becca told him that Scarlett searched for me endlessly. Her loyalty to me isn't surprising, but it appears to have cost her some good friends. I can't help but feel partially responsible for it. Scarlett refused to stop searching for me...yet I admit I stopped searching for her. Maybe I never was searching for her. I doubted her strength and didn't think she made it out of the Safe House. So when I gave the Hazmats her name? I didn't think they would find her because-I know, I'm terrible-I thought she didn't make it. So once I reached Ostford? I never sent anyone to search for her.

And I realize now what a huge mistake that was, and how much of an jerk that makes me.

Our relationship seemed to thin while we were separated. I wouldn't really expect much more, but I thought after all this time our bond would still be strong. But we've both endured different things. Those Hazmats? They're merciless. I held off telling them Scarlett's location as long as I could, but I'm not as strong as she is. I caved. After so many kicks, days without food, and utter torture, caving is hard not to do.

And Scarlett clearly saw some pretty gnarly stuff out there, herself. She refuses to tell me about it, but she wakes up crying in the middle of the night. Her heart yearns for someone named Ash. Someone named Ellis. Someone named Monty. She flinches when I touch her and I'll catch her watching me with empty eyes, lost in thought. Sometimes a flash of betrayal before she blinks it all away.

I tell her everything's okay now. The world is slowly rebuilding itself. I'm here with and for her, no matter what, till the end. The way end. I won't leave her side again. But it doesn't seem like enough.

What happened when she was out there?

Well, here's what happened when I came here:

Ostford took me in instantly. Blood, bruises, and all. Death nearly claimed me but a strength I didn't realize I had brought me out of it. Mom, Dad, and Derrick were waiting and they lit up when they saw me. They asked where Scarlett was and I had to tell them. Ever been kicked in the groin? I'd take that over the pain I felt not knowing what happened to Scarlett. Sucky comparison, but an accurate depiction. Scarlett's special to me in a way no one ever has been. I know I did a pretty screwy job of showing that... But I mean it. I loved her before the apocalypse and I love her now, but she's different. Her heart is at a different place. That's something I've learned to accept.

More people come to Ostford every day. It's our sanctuary; all there is left. I don't know what will happen to everyone, I just hope the world restores itself. This is our new life, and too many people walk in with sad eyes and paled faces. Scarlett may have carried the cure for the virus, but there is no cure for a broken heart. She was gifted with the cure but infected with the destruction of loss.

I will protect her at all costs. And somehow, I'll bring her back to that place of peace and comfort and hope.

Well, that's all I need to say. For anyone reading this, I hope you prepare. I hope you take advantage of every moment. I hope you see the value of what lies before you before releasing it to find something better. I hope you understand the meaning of sacrifice, and know that we often have to trade one thing to have another (something Scarlett mentioned around the table one night). I hope you keep your eyes open and your wounds protected; time is our enemy, but it is also our healer.

And I hope you learn to let go. Letting go may feel like giving up, but it's only giving up when you let go with no intentions of living; pressing forward; moving on.

Here's to humanity. To hope. To a future.
Here's to anyone who's made it to the end.

If you've made it this far, you are one of the few lucky ones. Don't waste it.

~Carter Paxton

Oh yeah, I forgot. Derrick's got the hots for Scarlett's friend, Becca, and they've hit it off pretty well. Little Miss Sunshine shuns him, arguing love won't survive the apocalypse. My little bro plans to prove her wrong. I keep telling them the apocalypse is on the mend so there's still a chance at love, but everyone's entitled to their doubts.

I guess we'll just see what happens.

The End.

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