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Wow it feels weird to be adding something to this story again!! I finished it back, roughly around 1940 when I was just a young girl of 19... *old woman voice, like Rose recounting the events of Titanic*

Haha. No. Okay, so here's the thing.

I finished back in July I believe? I forgot my own date omg. I even have it but am too lazy to leave this to look at my last chapter quickly.

I haven't come back to this book since then and honestly, I didn't ever want to. I pretended it didn't exist. I created this story that I rewrote many times, spent countless hours editing, stayed up till 4am finishing chapters, discussed plans with friends and family, compared new ideas to my first draft from 4yrs ago... all to just wish I could dispose of the carcass and curse its existence. Why? I felt it wasn't good enough after the low views compared to other stories; and honestly, I felt I rushed the ending and things didn't quite go as I wanted because I have so many other stories I want to get to.

Well, never do that. You must always do justice to your story. I only see now that I maybe quite possibly lied to myself about doing justice to Desolation.

My views have changed a lot in the past 107 yrs since I was a young child (okay no, 7 months) due to life experiences and me trying to find myself-confidence within myself, no matter what it is. Writing is my heart and soul and I'm actually pretty sad that I wanted to throw this story away. Each story is a child with a different personality; don't invest some time into it and make it feel important only to orphan it when you feel you've done your job and another new and exciting story is born into the world. What, are you gonna do that with real children? FINISH WHAT YOU START.

So all this to say-for skimmers, HERE IS MY POINT-I'm rewriting Desolation. Not entirely, the plot won't change, the ending won't change, but I'm going to run through and edit mercilessly and polish this thing to let it become what it's always wanted to become: A POLISHED STORY. Lol. My characters will be better developed and I'm cutting scenes that I feel are unnecessary. That #collegelife as an #englishmajor has me rethinking the meaning and depths of stories, and I want Desolation to carry deeper ideas and themes in a succinct way.

I probably won't start editing for a few weeks, but you'll know when I do cuz you'll get updates on chapters and I'll probably add *editing* in the title. If you've already finished this book, first of all, thank you so much. It means the absolute world to me that you've kept it in your library or on your reading list. You are welcome to check out the changes but only if you like. If you have not finished this book and are in the middle of it, don't worry; I'm not changing anything drastic that will leave you confused later. I'm enhancing my characters, cutting out excess, and clarifying the ending. If you're reading this notice, maybe vote on the chapter you're currently reading so I can gauge what point everyone's at so I can determine which chapters to avoid for a little bit.

Thank you for all who have invested in this story and stuck through till the end; I realize this needs LOTS OF EDITING 😥😥😥 But it will get there.

Love you guys and hope all is well!!! Feel free to PM me for questions/comments/concerns.

Also, check out A Single Stroke; this one is actually on hold but I'm picking it back up around spring break (March). And I will be releasing a *mystical* and *magical* summer romance at the end of May to pick up when the summer starts 😏😉😍 I'll be updating it all summer long. More details later. OH YEAH. This one's pure romance with a touch of fantasy; it involves real magic and wishes and genies, if that's what you're into. But it's also realistic and deals with loss, heartbreak, and trying to find your place in the new world you've been thrust into (sound familiar?).

So yeah, that's all for now. Lots to say, lots to do, and I'm typing this at 1am when I wake up at 5am to get ready for classes. Gosh, that #collegelife.

Farewell 🙃

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