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Ahhh!!! I can't believe it's done! Finished! Omg this has been one crazy thrill ride. I honestly never thought I would finish. I almost didn't because I lost inspiration and had school so I wasn't able to write for awhile. But here... It's done!

There are a few key people I'd like to thank, all of whom played a major role in me finishing:

~First, my family who's not on Wattpad. I'm including you in case you ever stumble upon this story and think I forgot about you. I haven't! Thank you for listening to me talk about this story NONSTOP hours at a time, and to my brothers for knowing everyone's fate before I even typed the first word. I'm sorry I kept you up till 4am trying to figure out how to tie up all the loose ends. That was tricky!

Alacar13 - Thank you for adding my story to your reading list and helping it get to 1k!! I know you said you didn't play a part in that, but you SO did! I appreciate you checking it out and also encouraging me to write, sharing tips every writer needs to hear! ❤️

@lisadavis910 - You were the FIRST to comment on my story!! Honestly, I didn't get on Wattpad for the longest time, and then when I finally did get back on, I saw your comment. That single comment encouraged me to continue. I had no plan for the story at the time, but I felt so special when you commented. I don't know if you continued reading since I updated months after reading your comment, but I had to let you know you also played a major role in me finishing! ❤️

amewinne - That day you posted on my wall about how Desolation was "so stinkin' good" and I should enter it in the Watty's... That legit was THE DAY I was debating trashing the story lol. I had zero motivation and had already decided I wouldn't write anymore; I just didn't know how to let readers know gently. And then you posted on my wall and I was like... OMG. I can't stop now! Haha. You motivated me without even realizing you were doing it. Thank you for encouraging me! ❤️

@horsegirlpv - Thank you for sticking with the story till the end!! Ahh!! Most voters don't go all the way to the end, but you did and I can't tell you how much that means to me. It truly encouraged me to finish this story; seeing your votes gave me hope that the story was not as bad as I felt at times haha. Not everyone votes, but you did, and I can't tell you how much that boosted my confidence. Especially on the later chapters!! ❤️

And last but certainly not least...

kemijenn - First off, your comments KILL me. I was rolling every time I saw them. They were the highlight of every chapter, and since you were the only commenter towards the end (LOL), I cannot thank you enough for your support. You are my most loyal reader, my best critiquer (is that a word?), and often my most frustrating questioner 😂 You insulted my characters one too many times (NOT OKAY!) but I'm grateful anyway and your support means the world to me. You've encouraged me through my [several] bouts of writer's block, and when I officially DID quit for a short time, you still supported me. You helped me see it through. I might've finished on my own, or I might've trashed the thing completely. But your words kept me going and made me feel like a worthy writer when I had my doubts. Thank you for listening to all my craziness and enduring endless conversations of Desolation; I'm sure you got sick of hearing it after awhile haha. Ash is still my babe, even though you argue for Carter. Well, looks like you got your happy ending. But again, thank you. I could not have done it without you. ❤️

And thank you whoever's reading this. I appreciate all the silent readers as well; you also encouraged me to continue. As the numbers went up, my confidence grew. But I also realized that the amount of reads, votes, and comments don't define the quality of your work. So if you're writing your own story and feel like giving up because it's undiscovered... DON'T. Keep going. Finish it for YOU.

This experience was an experiment for me to get a feel for the writing world, testing the waters and seeing what it's like to put your work out for open judgement. You may or may not have commented/voted, but I still felt the fear knowing someone out there was reading! Especially during the nitty-gritty stuff haha. I learned to power through and not care what people think.

This was a great experience and I may or may not continue writing on Wattpad, but THANK YOU. I owe it to everyone who gave this story a shot. May you never stop reading and pursue your own dreams with the same perseverance that I lacked more often than not haha.

Started: June 8, 2015
Break: June '15 - Nov '16
Break: Jan '16 - June '16
Finished: August 9, 2016

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