09. Just Friends

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Close enough to kiss?

My heartbeat picked up, pounding a frantic rhythm against my ribcage. I stared up into Chuck's clear, intense eyes, and my throat felt suddenly very dry.

Why the hell was I thinking about kissing? This was Chuck, my friend! Chuck, the guy with the puppy-dog eyes!

Yes, but he was also Chuck, who always made my day a bit brighter by letting me punch him. Chuck, who, I suddenly realized, had a damn hot body.

I needed to get out of here! Something was wrong with me! I was supposed to be heartbroken about Matt, not thinking about how hot another guy was, right? Especially not the guy who was holding me in his arms right now!

"Y-yes. Please let go."

I pushed, and he stepped back without a moment's hesitation.

"Shall we do the kick to the head again?" he asked, winking. "I don't think you've quite mastered that one yet."

He was acting as if nothing whatsoever had happened! Had I imagined the whole thing?

"No," I said, quickly picking up my bag and hurrying towards the door without even bothering to change. "I... I'm sorry, I'll have to cut our lesson short today. I've just remembered that I've something really important to do. I'm very sorry, really, I am, but I have to rush."

"Oh, no problem," he called after me. "Until next time, Cassy!"

That's what I had been afraid of hearing.


I had worked my way through two bags of gummy bears before Lucky found me. She climbed on the little beanbag I had put on the floor for her next to my big one, and gave me and my gummy bear bag that supreme disapproving lock which only cats can give you.

"I know, I know," I mumbled. "Give me a break, all right? I just went through an emotionally traumatic experience."


"No, not like a mouse escaping your clutches! Far, far worse."

"Meow! Meow! Meow!"

"What's the matter?" I looked at Lucky, confused. She wasn't usually this loquacious. She didn't move an inch, and her mouth remained closed. Still, the noise continued, uninterrupted.

"Meow! Meow! Meow!"

"Oh, shit!" Quickly, I slipped my hand into my pocket and pulled out my meowing cellphone. Maybe I should have chosen a different ringtone, but it seemed like a fun idea at the time.

"Yes? Cassy here."

"Hi, Cassy?" Oh God. Oh God, no... Please don't let it be... "It's Chuck."

He needn't have told me. My heart hammering in my throat was already telling me quite clearly who it was. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lucky sneak closer, her ears twitching.

Play it cool! I told myself. Play it cool, Cassy. He's just your instructor and friend, that's all.

"Hi, Chuck," I said, in what I hoped was a casual and relaxed voice. It sounded like a chicken breathing helium. "What's up? Are you calling about our next appointment?"

"No. I was wondering whether you're busy this evening."

"Why? Do you want to give me some more bruises?"

"Actually, I wanted to ask whether you and your cat want to come and have coffee and cream with me."

My heart plummeted from my throat straight down to my stomach. But it apparently didn't like it there, so it made a little detour to my left foot for some reason, before rushing back to my chest and starting to hammer like crazy.

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