30. Bright Lights

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Apprehensively, I eyed the huge, dark wrought iron gate in front of us.

"Oh yes." Elliot waved a casual command to the security guard beyond the gate, and turned to me, cocking his head. "In fact, it would be a very bad idea not to do this."

"You don't say, snugglebunny."

Elliot gave me a censorious look. Whistling innocently, I pretended not to notice.

"Ever since that night when she caught a glimpse of you at the club, Cassidy, my grandmother has been hounding me for a chance to meet you, threatening disinheriting, death or disembowelment if I don't bring you over. It wouldn't be wise to ignore a direct summons. Not at all."

"Coward!" I muttered, but couldn't keep a grin from my face. "Frightened of a fragile old lady!"

Somehow, Elliot managed to retain a perfectly serious, serene expression. "Extremely so. Alas, every man has his weak spot."

"You have my sympathy, muffin wuffin."



"Did I or did I not ask you to expunge those two words from your memory?"

I smirked at him. "You did. But it was simply impossible. They're branded into my poor mind forever."

The only answer to that was a long-suffering groan. We were still sitting where we had been, the gate towering up in front of us. Apparently, I wasn't the only one struggling with their nerves. Cautiously, I glanced over at my tall, elegant snugglebunny in his Armani suit.

"Is she really that determined? We've only been dating for about a few weeks!"

"That's no hindrance for my dear grandmother, I assure you. If she could have things her way, she would have snatched us from the club and made us walk down the aisle that very night."

"You're joking!"

"Do I look like I am?"

I gazed at his beautiful face. "No, actually you don't."

"Very well, then. Let's do this." The gate swung open, and Elliot stepped on the gas. My heart made a leap as we started rolling down the gravel road, past the beautiful dark green hills, throwing large shadows in the approaching sunset.

"Your grandmother is nuts!"

He shrugged, his face a beatific mask of innocence. "She definitely has a strong romantic streak."

We continued down the gravel road, further into the estate of Elliot's grandparents. The farther we got the more nervous I became. I waited and waited for a house to appear in the distance, but nothing peeked over the top of the hills. When something finally appeared in the distance, it wasn't the chimney of a house but the black-green tops of firs and birches. Soon we were enveloped by an entire forest, and darkness fell over us, only pierced by the headlights of the car. Jesus, how large was this place?

It took another whole five minutes till I had the answer. The forest opened up on either side and we drove out onto a meadow lit by the last rays of the sinking sun. The gravel road leading across it was rimmed on both sides by lovingly kept flower beds. And right in the center of the meadow stood a beautiful, two-story building, with rambler roses growing over the brightly painted door and a BMW parked out front that gleamed faintly in the fading light.

"What a delightful place!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together. "So beautiful! Your grandparents must be really proud of it!"

When I looked at Elliot, though, he wasn't nodding in agreement. Instead, his lips were twitching.

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