8: He Tries Too Hard

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After Chemistry ended, the bell rang signalling that it was recess time.

I bolted out of the classroom and walked past the canteen. Finding a spot under a large shady tree, I walked towards it and sat down comfortably on the grass patch with my lunch beside me.

Moments later, someone sat beside me as I looked up, my eyebrows pulled together into a frown instead.

Not wanting to breathe in the same air as him, I stood up. Fingers curled around my wrist as I was pulled back down, toppling on top of him.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelped in surprise, pulling myself away from him.

"Stay." He murmured, looking away. I moved a few inches away from him and began to eat my sandwich.

We sat down in a comfortable silence, neither of us making a move to speak. Not like I would want to speak to my bully.

From the peripheral of my vision, his mouth opened and closed a few times as though he was debating whether he should speak.

When I had finished my lunch, I assumed that he had nothing to say and stood up instead. Swatting off the dusts from my uniform skirt, I crushed the wrapper and walked away, not bothering to look back.


I walked along the streets, savoring the change of the season. The leaves turned golden-brown, slowly falling to the ground.

Autumn was arriving and I couldn't wait to experiment with new dishes at home. Since I had drawn a line, I was going to stop partying and work on my project instead.

Might as well use my free time on something productive than to let myself get wasted in alcohols and parties.

A beep made me jump as I looked towards my right to see a car pulling up by the curb. Winding down the window, my eyes widened at the sight of him.


Wearing a scowl on my face, I ignored him and continued walking down the pavements. Fingers curled around my wrist, sending shivers down my spine. "Get your ass in the car, Gemini." He let out an animalistic growl.

I stopped dead in my tracks and whipped my head towards him. "If not you will what?" I taunted, feeling fed up all of a sudden.

Don't even get me started on my period.

Shock replaced his features as I shot daggers at him. I yanked my wrist from his grasp and poked a finger on his chest. "What will you do, huh? Punch me? Kick me? Or hit me?" My words made him flinch as my piercing glares continued to burn through his skull.

His lips met mine, shutting my gap instantly. Pushing him away with all my might, my strength seemed to weaken when his hands made contact with my burning arms.

Tightening his grip, he kept me still as I tried my hardest not to drown myself in the f*cking kiss. This guy was simply manipulating me, making me fall hard as seconds passed.

Slowly closing my eyes, I responded to the kiss. He tugged on my bottom lips before sliding his tongue into my mouth as it explored.

The contact sent tingles down my spine as I shuddered involuntarily. Surprisingly though, I wanted more.

His rough lips moved along with mine as we panted for breath, slowly finding the pace before we broke apart.

The first thing I did when I was pulled back to reality, was to push him away as I covered my lips. "You f*cking idiot! What the hell are you doing?" I ranted, feeling my adrenaline pumping as I was fuming in rage.

"I made a promise that I will never hurt you again. And I always stay true to my words."

I huffed, my eyes narrowed into a glare as I stared at his tucked out uniform. Yeah right, like as if he would never do it again.

His fingers slid down my arms as though caressing them before tilting my chin to face him. His lips parting as he spoke, "What should I do to earn your forgiveness?"

Sneering at his words, I swatted his hands away and smiled at him. "You don't have to do anything, Chase. Just f*cking get out of my life and never bother me again."

"Message received, loud and clear." He replied coldly, turning his back to me as he got into his car. I watched as the wheels hit the road, a gust of wind blowing past me.


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15th August 2016

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