Chapter Eight - Dead Girl Walking?

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"Hello, sir, what can I get you today?"

Another day, another dollar at the Creamy Dream.

The monotone voice of the guy in his early twenties sounded out with his order, the thick black hipster glasses and bright blue headphones linked around his neck giving extra flair to his obvious personality and preference on life.

I kept my smile firm despite the lack of energy I felt. Sleep had been eluding me more than usual over the past several days. With Evan avoiding me and Shane popping up around every corner trying to talk to me, my time stretched between hiding and playing detective. It became stressful and tiring after a while; the temptation to shout at the world and not have a single care in the world as to who would hear grew stronger with each passing moment.

Nodding my head, I punched several buttons on the register, saying, "Okay, then, your total comes to $7.86 and I'll get that right out to you."

Turning away from the counter, I scooped two cups full of ice into the blender, pressing the setting that I needed before whirling around to find the strawberry syrup. One of the special drinks that we made here at Creamy Dream was the Strawberry Cappuccino Frappucino. It sounded a bit redundant to me, but oh well, no one asked my opinion.

I pulled a blueberry muffin out from the glass shelf, putting it on a plate before asking, "Would you like the muffin warmed?"

The answer was a no, a slightly snarky one if you asked me, so I set his muffin down in silence while trying my darnedest to not slam it down and returned to making the drink.

Snapping a lid on the drink, I plopped it down next to the muffin, gave Mr. Hipster a wide, fake smile and said, "Have a great day, please come again."

As soon as he was out of earshot I muttered, "After I'm dead and gone."

Not surprisingly, I wasn't feeling myself that day. Not that I had been feeling quite myself recently. My life just wasn't going quite the way I would have liked ... at all.

For one, I had no idea how to deal with the dreams, well, nightmares that had been attacking me every night. Sleep?

Ha, what's sleep? I thought to myself dryly. I grabbed a rag from under the counter and weaved around the counter, heading to a couple dirty tables I spotted. The only thing I really felt the need to do at that point was to just go home. My body felt perfectly exhausted and drained, the life being slowly sucked out of me with each and every customer that walked through the doors.


I heaved out a sigh, wiping the table I had just started once more before moving onto the next, one that had a ton of crumbs on it as I tried to keep my voice steady. "What do you want Shane? I'm kind of busy."

The tone of my voice suggested that I had no patience for his banter at the moment, which I really didn't. My body was running on little sleep, my shift wasn't even half over and I had so much homework to do that I thought my head would explode. The last thing on my list was making amends with Shane.

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