Chapter Thirteen - Just Another Day

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The room spun once more before I stopped the chair with my foot. Standing, I felt the room dip back and forth as I tried to regain my bearings.

Once the world stood still once again, I sat back down in my seat and started twirling again. I had been doing this for the past hour. My bag of favorite chips sat on my desk along with a bottle of water.

Laid out on my desk were the many different notes I had received over the past several weeks. Some were a bit more corny and didn't send the chills up my spine that the author surely intended. Then again, others were a bit ominous and made me want to run into my closet and hide forever.

There still existed no evidence as to who sent these notes. Oliver had crossed my mind only once, but that thought quickly found itself tossed aside. Surely someone who had a personality like his wouldn't send such threatening messages to me, not when he had the chance to do it so many times before and from a completely different angle.

I rested my elbows on my desk, knotting my fingers in my hair and exhaling a bit loudly. The stress officially began to eat away at me. Too many things hung in the distance, dangling on the strings of life and making me zero in on each problem. Much as I wanted to ignore it, life continued on it's natural course and with it, bringing all the stress of senior year to the forefront of my mind.

College applications were being sent out any day now, homework needed to be completely finished and on top of all that, graduation somehow sneaked up on us all and took especially me by surprise. To be honest, I didn't think I was prepared to leave high school.

As annoying as high school was, the two words contained familiarity and routine. I knew where I fit in and my place was marked. But in the real world, I still didn't know where I would stake my claim. I had no idea how I, one small piece of the puzzle, could fit in anywhere.

Prom still lurked in the distance, and while I most certainly didn't posses any desire to be the girl who fawned over her dress and hair until it was just perfect for the big night, I still wondered if I would even be going.

Despite my best efforts, Shane popped into my mind. Would we go together? He had his choice of the ladies at school, no doubt about it. No one needed the rumor mill to know to that sort of thing. But ...

He did request to have lunch with me, he's been hanging out with me and even asked me on a date. That has to mean something, right? Right?

It just all seemed so frustrating. Most likely because, no matter how many people try to downplay it, prom is a really big night for high schoolers. It's the last time any of us will be together. That's the last time before graduation we all get together and try to snap a picture of all the faces of our fellow students, to really ingrain them in our minds. It doesn't matter if we all weren't the best of friends or if we barely saw each other outside of our classes.

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