Chapter 11

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"What the hell just happened? Why did that thing just try to attack me? Why did you change into that big dog? And most importantly, am I going crazy?" I asked in a rush because my mind was a humbled mess. Brett had already "changed" back into his usual self, and was now walking towards me.

His grey eyes called to me, but I had one more question but was hesitant to ask it.

"What are you?" It came out as a whisper and my voice was shaky.

A look of sadness flickered into his expression, but it was soon gone. He replaced it with a calm but hesitant look as if he was afraid that I would not like his answer.

"It would most likely be best if I told you somewhere that was not public. I do not want humans to hear us," I simply nodded because I was still stuck on the "human". He said it as if he wasn't one.

Well, he did just turn into a giant dog.

I ignored my inner self, and I followed him to wherever we were going.

We walked past many students, and they all looked at us with weird expressions. I ignored them and quickly followed Brett. We reached the teacher,and he looked us up and down. When he saw my state, he instantly pointed us to the school house, but Brett asked if he could take me home. She hesitated but eventually nodded and gave us a pass to leave. We gave the pass to the front office, and headed for our bikes.

"Are you ok to drive?" He asked truly concerned.

I nodded and pulled on my helmet. After cranking our bikes, he led me to his house.

Soon, we pulled into a long driveway , and when his house came into view, my mouth hung open in shock.

It stood nearly four stories tall,and had at least seven balconies. This house was definitely too big for one or even five people.

Apparently Brett saw my expression because he immediately started to explain.

"Its the pack house. Everyone in my pack lives here or near here, so I can keep an eye on them. Only two or three lives alone but the other fifteen live with me here. I can see more questions in your eyes, but they will all be answered in a few minutes," he gave a big smile for me as he started walking to the house.

Suddenly I realized that I should be freaking out about all of this. I searched my whole mind, but I couldn't find any fear. Instead I felt a sense of belonging, and it felt good.

I gave up on the feeling and followed him inside.

The inside of the house was even bigger than I thought. I did not see any main rooms because he took me through one of the many backdoors. I did hear commotion from one of the rooms we passed in the hall. Soon we made it to one door, and he opened it for me and watched my reactions at everything. His room was huge. He had a bathroom to the left of the entrance, and a four poster bed underneath the main windows in the room. His night stand was sitting on the right side. I walk over to it because there is a picture on it. It is of a him and a woman I presume is his mom because she look like an older version of him, but very beautiful.

I sat down on the bed and grabbed the photo. It looked like it had not been taken too long ago. They looked so happy and in a little mother-son moment. Compared to that, he seems not as happy as he did then.

When I feel the bed dip beside me, I look up into deep grey eyes; ones that I feel I know so well. I suddenly realize how misunderstanding I was back at the school. I didn't any thought to how his life affected him.

"That's my mom. She died last year by a pack of rogues," he said with a hard expression which soon turned into a sad smile when he looked at me. The thing that had my heart squeezing painfully for him was that and the tears in his eyes. I wanted to wrap him in my arms and keep the sadness away from him forever.

When had I begun to become so soft?

Pushing aside that thought, grabbed him by his shoulders and wrapped him in a hug. His arms slid around me to hug me back. He felt so good in my arms. He held on to me as if his life depended on it, and I did the same to him. We showed our emotions to each other without words.

"I haven't felt this much acceptance since my dad died," as I said those words, I felt the truth in them, and I let out a few tears that turned to full blown sobs. He just held on tighter to me and let me cry. I felt some of his tears hit my shirt which made me pull him tighter to me.

I could practically feel whatever bond we had, pull closer together. It made me feel closer to him in ways that are both mentally and physically.

After a while we stopped crying and I sat up but scooted closer to him.

"I guess I owe you an explanation for earlier," he said but I just shook my head no. He looked at me with questioning eyes so I explained.
"It doesn't matter any more because I accept you no matter what. I know that there is some bond between us that is telling me that I will accept you anyways," he smiled then turned serious.

"There is one thing I do need to tell you though," when I nodded he kept going, but not before taking a deep breath, "since I am a wolf, and all wolves need their mate, you are my mate. That is the bond you feel. Even though you are human, you still feel the bond. If you accept me as your mate, then when I Mark you and mate you, we will be closer then ever, and we will develop our mating abilities, such as I will be able to know where you are even if the bond is somehow cut off. We will be able to read each others minds. And there's a lot more," he finished quickly.

I was filled with so much joy that before I knew it, I grabbed him and smashed my body to his and kissed him.

At first he didn't say anything, but then he started to kiss me back. Boy did it feel good? Our tongues tangled and wrestled for dominance, which he finally won.

After minutes we pulled apart, gasping for breath. Just then I got an idea.

I sat up and prepared myself.

"I, Kat Howell, accept you, Brett Collins, as my mate," at that he smiled, with joy shining in his bright grey eyes, he sat up and looked me in my eyeswhile repeating my words.

"And I, Brett Collins, accepts you, Kat Howell, as my mate," I smiled and pulled him to me for another long and breathless kiss.

So how did ya'll like this amazing chapter? It had me in tears just writing the part about their parents deaths. But this is one of the best chapters I have written. At least I think so. Vote for my story and comment below or on my profile message board. And recommend my book. I'm trying to get my book noticed. So please if you would, help me.

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