Chapter 23

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I felt the wind through my hair as I ran at Hale. I had anger and adrenaline running through my body. It was pushing me to not give up and kick the shit out of those two. My entire body was burning to fight; to fight alongside my mate.

The fight was human on human, and werewolf on werewolf. We were equal which meant a bigger fight. I relished in the feel that we were going to win this fight.

Brett started to shift next to me, and I peeked a glance at him. He jumped and in midair his body seemed to dissolve into his wolf. When his paws gracefully hit the ground, I realized he was a few inches taller than me. His fur was a dark brown that seemed to have gold in the sunlight. He was beautiful.

A growl pulled me out of my trance. I looked to see Blaze in his wolf form. He was slightly smaller than Brett but still a giant. His blond fur seemed dull and boring. Brett looked at me with bright grey eyes and nodded once before charging at Blaze.

Hale seemed mesmerized by the battle between the two alphas. I took this opportunity to attack.

I moved swiftly to him, and he thankfully didn't see me. My legs carried me to his side, and by the time he looked at me, I had him on the ground. I raised my fist and I brought it down hard against his nose. It immediately started to bleed, but it sadly was not broken. I delivered punch after punch my. A loud howl of pain had me swinging my gaze to Brett. Blaze had him pinned to the ground and was currently making my mate's leg a chew toy. My gaze turned red.

Jumping off of Hale, I ran at Blaze. I didn't know why I was doing it because I could not take on this werewolf in wolf form. I had taken him in human form because I'm used to humans, but I knew I couldn't do this. At the same time, I could not stop myself from slamming all of my weight into the giant.

It was just enough to push him onto the ground and off Brett. Me on the other end went face first on the dirt. I groaned and pushed myself up. Before I could move off the ground though, someone pulled me up by my hair.  Hard. I let out a scream of pain as my scalp burned from the hairs straining to keep hold. I was jerked backwards into a hard chest.

"You think you could get away that easily?" Hale growled in my ear. Brett shot me a worried look but Blaze kept him busy. I looked around for a weapon to use against him. I spotted a stick a few feet away, so I did what any girl would do in a situation like this. I headbutted him, turned around and brought my knee up hard to his crotch. Then I turned and ran for the stick.

I picked it up and I felt him coming up behind me, so I turned around, swinging the stick as hard as I could. It hit right on his head. I heard the thud of him hit the ground, and I turned to two werewolves off to the side. I gestured for them to hold him. He was knocked out cold, but I still checked for a pulse. I was not going to kill him, but I will let the police deal with him. Something was holding me back from killing him. I wanted to make him suffer, but I could not kill him. I suddenly wondered if his sons knew about their father's hidden agenda.

I felt rather than heard a thud as something hit the ground. I turned quickly, worried that something happened to Brett. Instead, I felt pride warm my insides as I looked at the blonde werewolf on the ground, lying in a pool of blood. My mate stood over him heaving. I walked cautiously over to him, unsure if he was calm enough for me to shower him with my love and pride.

He noticed me and instead of growling, he trotted to me. He rubbed his head along my stomach, asking me to run my fingers through that silky fur. I complied and ran my fingers along his face and behind his ears. He seemed to purr when I did this, and I giggled. He looked up at me as he started to shift back. I was mesmerized by his beautiful eyes, and nothing could pull me away from him.

I suddenly noticed that he was stark naked, and he was pressed against me.

I jumped away with a squeal and turned around. I heard him chuckle along with a few guys around us. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I heard clothes rustle and felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned to see Brett with amusement sparkling in his eyes. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm proud of you, Kat," he stated with a smile. I smiled and kissed him slightly on the mouth. I turned away and towards the bodies on the ground. I grimaced thinking about how we were going to clean up this mess.

"How-" I was cut off by Brett's finger hushing me.

"My men will take care of everything. Hale will be taken care of. I'll have one of my men make an anonymous call. So you need to rest because you have already been through enough," he said, easing my worry.

I nodded and smiled, suddenly tired. I felt Brett pick me up, and I didn't complain.

"Shhh, go to sleep. I'll take care of you," my mate soothed.

I smiled and closed my eyes, letting darkness take me.


Sadly, guys, there's is only one more chapter left to this long journey. I will be starting my next book after this one is over. I love you, my lovies!

P.s. above is a better picture of Brett. I like this one alot more than the one I had before.

Love, Kat.

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