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Quentin's POV

"Can you watch the two boys or is that too hard. Oh, and one last thing, when you so ever think of talking to me like that in front of our kids again, you can forget that this is your home" Ray smiled and walked to the car, to drop the kids off.

Who the hell was she talking to. I do everything for this family. Every single thing. All she is, is a certified drug dealer. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my youngest son start to cry. Even though me and Ray were not seeing eye to eye on a lot of things, I still loved my kids. I mean they were part me and part Ray.

"What's wrong baby boy?" I asked carrying him. He smiled and tried to tell me that he wanted food. I smiled and went to the bathroom to wash him up. His older brother, Caden who was 2, had long been awake and he ate his breakfast. He was now watching tv.

"Ok, what do you want to eat?" Dustin looked at me and smiled. Ok, cereal it is for him. I stool near the counter and watched as he tried to eat the grains. As soon as the quietness settled in, the storm arrived. Ray.

She walked into the kitchen and kissed Caden on the forehead and went to our bedroom. She's over dramatic. I sighed and went to the fridge. In our eight year marriage, I've always been the one to apologize for everything. Even if she was the one that started the fight.

After a few more minutes, she came downstairs wearing her work clothes. Her eyes landed on mine for a few seconds before they searched the room. Almost like something was wrong, and I knew exactly what she wanted: an apology.

"Are you not going to apologize"

"Here we go again" I mumbled. I was sick and tired of this bullshit. She had won multiple times when she did it to me, she wasn't going to do it this time. I was sick of apologizing. "No."

I stared at her before taking Caden to the living room. I was off today and planned to have a daddy sons day with my boys.

Ray followed closely behind me.

"Are you serious, you talk to me however you want in front of the boys and the girls. Do you want them to grow up thinking they could talk to girls however they want, and for the girls to accept it when a guy does it to them?" She questioned. See this is what I mean when I say she over reacts. She should be an actress. She'll make one hell of a good one.

"You know what, fine. I'm sorry. I apologize. I was tried and the last thing I wanted to do was walk all the way back to their rooms and wake them. I'm sorry. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I apologize" I said, taking her hands into mine. I played with her wedding ring and kissed her on the lips.

She smiled, but soon her smiled faded. I was still in the dog house.

"You're forgiven but what you did is not forgotten" she pecked me on the lips and turned to walk out the door. "I'll miss you baby boys, and have a good day"

"Yeah we'll miss you too" I said putting Caden in his basin.

Later than Night

I laid in bed with Ray sleeping soundly next to me. She was still mad.

I could tell because she didn't give me dinner and currently instead of us cuddling like usual, we were sleeping with her back towards me.

"Ray" I whispered tapping her on her back. "Ray, are you still sleeping" she she didn't turn around. I got up and walked to her side of the bed. Her eyes were opened wide and staring at nothing.

"What do you want" she said turning around.

"I want to deeply apologize. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Come on. What happened to the Ray? Uh?" I asked turning her around and making her look at me.

"I don't want to do this anymore. I hate fighting with you. Especially in front of the kids" she sighed sitting up. I sat next to her on the bed.

"Me too" we looked at each other for a full minute.

Then surely but slowly we made up that night.

Word Count: 759
Quentin is played by Jared Leto
He's so 😍😍😍

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