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Quentin's POV

"QUENTIN" I heard Ray yell from the bathroom. The first thing that popped in my mind was, she's having the baby. The last thing I wanted to see was her on the toilet with blood in her underwear.

"Oh gosh Ray, this is not good. We gotta get you to the doctors or hospital" I grabbed the dazed Ray and put a fresh pair of underwear on her. I didn't care if I got a ticket, I needed to save Ray and the baby.

"Ray babe you ok, you good" she didn't reply just starred out the window. Watching the cars go by fast, due to my speeding. I silently praying the cops didn't stop me.

As soon as I reached the hospital parking lot, I grabbed Ray wedding style and rushed through the doors.

"HELP MY WIFE. SHE'S PREGNANT AND BLEEDING" the other nurses and other patients looking at me.

Did they not hear me.

I walked to the front desk.

"Excuse me my wife is pregnant and she's bleeding"

"Yes we heard you the first time you ran in here. I understand the circumstances are very hard and scaring, but just like everyone else, sir you're going to have to fill this paper while she gets checked" the lady replied. She barely looked up at me. Just smacked her gum and slammed the clipboard on the desk.

A male nurse came and put Ray in a wheelchair. They rolled her off into the back, leaving me alone and scared in the waiting room.

I called my mom and Ray's and informed them about Ray's conditions. They immediately rushed into the hospital asking to see her. Our fathers stayed behind so they could pick the kids up when school was done.

The wait for Ray took forever. It seemed like the universe was punishing us. Every time a doctor walked out, it was to inform someone else about their love ones.

"Whats taking so long eh? What's wrong with my daughter" Ray's mom asked while pacing the hospital floors. She was eating a snickers bar (my favorite chocolate bar of all time) and refused to sit down until she knew about Ray's condition.

"Ya know she's pregnant right" she questioned the same receptionist I had to deal with.

"Yes ma'am your son in law already told us when he and his wife came here" she said still popping her gum. I wanted to smack the gum out her mouth.

"Oh really then what the hell is wrong with her then hey? You smacking that gum and rolling ya eyes at me girl? Go back there and check my daughter you here me?"

I smirked and looked at how quick the lady grabbed a clipboard and rush to the back. You tell her momma. I decided to call Ray's best friend Leila. I knew not calling her would result in my as$ beat.

As soon as the words Ray is in the hospital, left my mouth, I heard the sound of keys and a car door slamming shut. Within a few minutes give or take 5 minutes, she was in the hospital yelling up a storm.

"Where's my best friend!"

Ray's mom looked at her and told her everything that had been happening. Leila calmed down and sat next to me shaking her leg up and down.

"I'm telling you Q, if something happens to her I don't know what I'm gonna do. Especially that baby" we all nodded. I was scared of losing them as well. How was I supposed to raise five kids all by myself. I mean the girls were going to be hard. The boys maybe they'll be easy. Who knows. All I knew as that l needed Ray to be my side and that baby girl in get stomach needed to survive.

"Rayne Evans" we looked and saw the same nurse from before.

"She's doing very good. But there's one issue. The baby levels are really down. We'll going to continue watching things but it seems good so far" everyone sighed and went to sit down. At least we had some sort of clue on what was going on.

Ray was gonna be ok.

Ray's fine, but the baby vitals are low😢
Word Count: 712

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