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Quentin's POV
3 Months Later

"Did you hear" Jackson asked sipping his beer. This had become a ritual for us in the past few months. At the end of every month, we come to our favorite pub and have a few drinks, talk about life, and such.

"Heard what?"

"Well Ray is getting really close to the little league baseball coach. William I think is his name, could be wrong." I nodded. I knew that Ray wouldn't be moving on so fast. She was still madly in love with me like come on, she can't get over me so fast.

"It's probably a friend and you're all blowing it out of the water" I drowned my beer and grabbed my keys.

"Where you going?"

"Home" and home was where I was going. To Ray and I home.

Ray's POV

"What are you doing here" I asked Quentin as I leaned against the door frame. It was 2 am and here I was in a robe talking to my ex husband.

Our divorce was finalized early due to me paying an extra fee to the judge to speed the process.

"I heard you're dating this baseball coach, William" I could smell the beer in his mouth. I squinted and turned to look behind me.

I faced him again and switched feet.

"Listen. I don't know who told you that information but its none of your business. You walked out on me and my kids, so who I decide to date doesn't affect you. We've been divorced for almost 4 months now and you still haven't not once asked to see the kids. Yet, you care about my love life."

Quentin's looked at me. He tried to open the door wider but I kept it close.

"Go away." I waved as I closed the door and turned to look at Leila.

"You better teach him. So who told?" I shrugged. I really can care less. Vincent was sweet, caring, everything I could want. I figured out that Vincent was actually a guy I dated back in middle and high school.

We ended our relationship because he had to move. I was sad and miserable. Rumors had spread that he cheated and couldn't bare seeing me that he had to move.

We talked every day but never gave the long distance relationship a try. I met Quentin six months later and then a year later after that, we dated.

I always thought about what ifs. What if Vincent never moved? What if we got married and had kids instead? Would I still be in the same situation? But every moment with Vincent cleared that up. I would be happy. Doing something I truly love...fashion and design.

I would've gone to a good college. I would be living the life I thought I should've been living.

"Hello earth to Ray!" I looked at Leils.


"Your phone has been ringing for like 3 minutes and you've been dazed" she paused and smiled. "Thinking about Vincent?"

Leila admitted that she liked Vincent and I as a couple more than Quentin and I. I know that's not a bad thing but before Q and I got married, Vincent came back to win me over, he succeeded but Leila had convinced me that Q was better.

But now she told me that Quentin had been going crazy and really needed me at the time. I believe she was doing a act of kindness but still it would've been nice to be with Vincent.

"I am" I grabbed my phone and saw that Q was calling me. Didn't we just talk. I erased his calls and saw I had a bunch of messages. 6 were from Jackson. Q's best friend.

Q got hit by a car on his way back to the bar. He's in the hospital.

I may not be with him right now or even tolerate him, but he was the father of my children.

"Leila we got to go" I said grabbing the car keys.

"Hello...your children" I did not forget I had children. I just yeah I forgot.

"Ok then you watch them. I'll be back. Its an emergency" Leila nodded and wished me luck.

As I was driving to the hospital, Jackson texted me. Since my phone was on car mode, it read the message to me.

'Hey Ray, change of plans. Can you meet me at the parking lot.'

I should be feeling suspicious but I didn't.

I pulled into the parking lot and looked for Jackson's car. When I found it, he was facing away.

"Its bad Ray. He's in critical condition" I stood there shaking my head.

"What happened?"

"One minute he was walking next he was flying 10 feet" I knew he was exaggerating the length but maybe it was bad.

I went to rub Jackson's back. He turned around and kissed me.

Before I could say anything else, I heard a voice speak behind me.

"Wow Ray"

Word Count: 837
Jackson: Aldis Hodge

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