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Ray's POV
1 Month later

"Are you sure, you're throwing up because you're pregnant or is because you ate something bad?" My best friend Leila said rubbing my back. Today was my day off and I've been throwing my guts our for a week most.

"I'm sure it's a bug. Me and Q haven't touched each other in two weeks I wanna say"

Leila shook her head and ram through my cabinet.

"Take the test and I'll be waiting. You've been through what, four pregnancies and still can't tell when your pregnant?" She laughed and walked out the bathroom.

I stared the little plus sign. I could feel the water forming in my eyes.

"No" I whispered. The last thing I needed was a baby. Especially in this crazy world and relationship that me and Quentin were having right now. Yeah we made up, but the atmosphere was so awkward in our home.

"What it say" Leila said poking her head in through the door.

I looked at her then the test.

"I'm pregnant" I faked a smile and showed the test. Leila smiled and ran into the bathroom.

"I'm gonna be a god mommy again...yayyyy" she grabbed me and started to jump around in a circle. I smiled and jumped with her but the only thing that was in my head was, how the hell was I going to tell Quentin we were expecting another baby to our already five children.


"Mommy, I need help with my homework" my daughters Kayla and Gabriella said at the same time. Even though they were twins, I hated dressing them alike and when they talked the same time. I wanted them to be their own people. Not a copycat of one person.

"Ok, what questions do you need help with"

...I was now helping all the kids that went to school when I heard the door opened.

I could feel my heart sink into my stomach. I closed my eyes to soothe the feeling.

"Mommy are you ok?" Taylor asked rubbing my back. Whoever marries my son would be the happiest girl on earth.

Quentin walked in the kitchen, with Caden following behind him and Dustin in his hands. He walked over to the high chairs.

"You feeling ok babe?" He asked going to the fridge. He grabbed me a water bottle and placed it in front of me. He then grabbed my hands and forced me to stand up. "Go lay down on the couch or something, you look tired" he grabbed the water bottle again and placed it in my hands, ushering me out the kitchen.

"What happened to Quentin Charles Evans?" I asked looking back at him.

"He grew up" I could see him take my seat at the table and helping the kids with their homework.

"Mmm" I walked to the couch and took a seat. That turned into a nap.


Quentin's POV

"Ray, Ray" I shook Ray's shoulder. She opened her eyes and looked at.

"What do you want?" She sat up and stretched. I didn't bother moving her from the couch, mainly because she looked comfortable.

"I made dinner and wanted to make sure that you got at least one meal in while I've been home" she smiled and followed me into the kitchen.

I wasn't much of a chef but I could make a mean tilapia.

Ray looked at me and went to sit down. As soon as the fork of tilapia hit her mouth, she ran to the bathroom. My instant smile, fell from my face. Was it bad. I used the same ingredients as before.

I looked at the kids and then back at her plate. Taylor, Kayla and Gabriella looked at the bathroom door. The other boys were eating their peas that I made for them. Whatever was wrong with Ray, I was going to find out and it was going to be quick.

Ray's POV

"Ray, what the hell happened at dinner" Q asked while we cuddled in the bed. I wasn't ready to tell him that I was pregnant. Mainly because, I was scared.

We weren't mentally ready for another baby and we just started actually fixing out relationship, so why did I want to ruin that.

"I don't know what your talking about" I said playing with his long hair. He'd recently died the ends blonde, and to he honest, my man looks good.

He sighed and forced me to look at him.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. The throwing up, and I saw you trying to calm yourself so you didn't throw up earlier. So just tell me"

"You don't want to know. We've been doing so well lately and I'm scared that it's going to get messed up" his blue eyes, grew dark and in that moment, I knew, he was mad.

"Are you cheating on me?" He asked getting out of bed.

"No, why would I cheat on you. If anything. You're the one that cheats"

"Oh so now I'm a cheater" I stood there quiet. He was blowing this out of proportion. If I didn't want to tell him, I didn't have time to fight with this man.

"You're being an asshole. All because I don't want to tell you something" I stood there with my arms open. Almost like I was waiting for a hug.

"Ok, I get it" Quentin walked towards our closet and grabbed his suitcase. He grabbed his shirts and pants and filled the suitcase with the clothes.

Every clothing item he put inside, I grabbed them out. This wasn't fair.

"Stop Ray" he grabbed the shirts in my hands and placed them in once again placed them in the suitcase.

"No, you're getting all hysterical all because I didn't tell you something. What the hell is wrong with you. You're acting like a child, and I should know because I have 6!"

"What are you talking about, we have 5 kids. Unless you are cheating and have a child with some other dude." He paused then sat on the floor. "Who is he" he whispered.

I swear this man is bipolar.

"There is NOBODY. Its only you, Q. Only you" he looked at me and pulled me down on the floor with him.

"Then why did you say six kids?"

I smiled and looked him in his eyes.

"I said six, because I'm pregnant"

Word Count: 1078
The kids are on the sides or top.

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