7 - Updated

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Quentin's POV

It's been two weeks since Ray and I have decided to rekindle our relationship and so far, everything has been good.

"How's my favorite girls?" I asked Ray laying back on the bed. She was currently 5 months pregnant and glowing. I loved seeing Ray walk around with our child in her belly. Out of every crazy thing happening right now, this was the most relaxing sight for me.

"Tired and in pain" she rubbed her belly and sat up. For the past couple of weeks, Ray has been feeling these pains in her stomach. We went to the doctors for an ultrasound but we were told that it was nothing and maybe just gas. But according to Ray the pain has been getting worst since.

"Do you want anything to eat, or drink?" I questioned.

I was scared out my mind. The last thing I wanted to happen to Ray or the baby, was losing them. I would be left with five kids all by my lonesome, and lord knows I can barely take care of one kid. Ray was my rock, my home and whenever I was with her I felt complete. The kids gave me that family man feeling and being called dad brought a smile to my face, my I know raising them by myself would be hair ripping.

"No I think I'm fine. It feels like she's just moving a lot" she pulled her shirt up and I saw my baby girls foot press into Rays stomach. I nodded and walked out the room. I could tell Ray was tired and she needed some rest, for not only her but the baby as well.


Ray's POV

I laid in the bed and closed my eyes. This pregnancy was being a pain. The first time was easy as well as the others, but this girl was really just making my life hard.

I felt her kick for the sixteenth time this minute.

"Mommy's here" I said rubbing my stomach. But the kicking never stopped. It seemed like she wanted to come out today. Sighing I tried getting in a more comfortable position so the kicking would stop or she would at least sleep in there. But when you're pregnant, there's no such thing as being comfortable.

I closed my eyes silently but the sudden rush of having to pee came to me. What the hell?

I walked into the bathroom and my eyes grew so wide, they almost fell my eye sockets.


Word Count: 511

I know it's been a week or two since the last update, but school work has gotten harder than what it was because the marking period is coming to an end so teachers are trying to squeeze in last minute assignments. The next update will be up in a couple hours.

Ps. I've also been thinking about doing an author q and a where you guys can ask me questions. I don't know whether to make it a book or chapter so drop your opinion here and we'll see

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