Pretty Lights

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I just want to thank you guys! I published this book two days ago and I already have 43 reads! This is great! PLEASE READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE BOTTOM!


All the inmates strapped themselves into their seats and waited for Rick to signal the lift off. Just as they were about to leave, a girl with short hair and a white mask jumped onto the chopper.

"You're late." Rick said and she replied quickly, "Isogashikatta." (I was busy). "Everyone. This is-" Rick started to say, but was cut off by Bonesnapper. "Katana! What a wonderful surprise!" she exclaimed.

The new girl turned her head to look at Bonesnapper and her eyes widened in surprise. "Anata wa koko de nani o shite iru no?" Katana asked the blue haired psychopath. (What are you doing here?) "Chīmu no Imu ichibu! Nakūru?" she replied with a deranged grin. (I'm part of the new team! Cool nah?)

Katana smiled slightly at her old best friend's insanity. "Anyway. She has my back and could kill any of you with one slash of her sword, like mowing the lawn. I would recommend not dying by her sword, it traps the souls of its victims." Rick said and most of the inmates gulped.

Harley stuck out her hand and said, "Hi. I am Harley Quinn. I love your perfume! What is it? The stench of death?" Bonesnapper snorted at her remark and rolled her eyes.

Katana began to pull out her sword and asked Rick, "Watashi wa karera o korosu hitsuyō ga arimasu?" (Should I kill them?) "Wo wo wo, calm down. It's not that kind of mission." Rick replied and she sat next to him.

The chopper lifted off the ground and Bonesnapper rested her head against the side of the chopper. She heard the sound of a message on a phone and looked over at Harley, who was looking at her phone.

I coming for you

It was a message from the Joker and that caused Bonesnapper to raise her one eyebrow. Harley put a finger to her lips, "Shhhh..." Bonesnapper smirked but kept quiet in any case.

Later on in the flight, Harley gasped at the sight through the window. "Look at the pretty lights! Are you guys seeing this?" she exclaimed excitedly. Bonesnapper grinned as she looked through the window of the chopper, it did look rather pretty.

"What the hell happened?" Floyd asked Rick and he shrugged. "Terrorists, dirty bombs, you know. The usual." Rick answered, lying straight through his teeth, Bonesnapper didn't have to read his mind to know that.

She used her super strength to rip off her seat belt at an inhuman speed and dashed at Rick in a second. Her hand was clenching his collar and her eyes flashed angrily. One of her major pet peeves was lying.

"Don't lie to me, Flag." she seethed, about to loose control. What could she say? She had a terrible temper. "Willow... calm do-" Rick tried but she snapped at him again. "Don't call me Willow. Only my friends call me Willow. You lost that title a long time ago."

They were so close together that Rick could see the faint flecks on back in her silver iris's. Floyd pulled Bonesnapper back and gave her an understanding look. "I don't know if they told you, but I am a hitman. Not a fireman. I don't save people." Floyd said with a glare and Rick's eyes flickered to him from being on Bonesnapper.

Recovering from his shock, he retorted, "Anything for a dollar, right?" "You know the dark places too Flag, don't act like you don't." Floyd said and Rick rolled his eyes. "I'm a soldier. You're a criminal, you take credit cards. When the shooting starts, and it will, you'll hit and run." Rick said with a steading glare.

BONESNAPPER»» SUICIDE SQUADحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن